Monday, June 6, 2016

When A Mum Heals Herself

Two weeks ago, I treated Mei (not her real name), a client with great mental, emotional disturbances, so much so, that she had to temporarily stop her work. After the session, she got up, feeling fully refreshed, and started answering phone calls by her team mates, helping them solve their work problems.

Mei turned to me and said, "I can start work now. Before this, I froze whenever clients and colleagues called me up. I just did not know how to respond to them. Now I can. I am functioning in the world now."

A few days later Mei told me that her children are now much happier too. And that when her daughter was crying due to relationship problems with her friends, Mei was able to have the clarity and wisdom of mind for her to guide her emotional daughter. She said, "I gave her some seeds to plant in the garden. This not only calmed my daughter, but made her so happy that she requested for more seeds to plant. This ability to respond to my daughter is new to be. If I was the old me, I would have dismissed my daughter, and even gave her a scolding. But now, I know how to respond to her."

Mei gave me permission to share her story because she felt that all mothers need to know this: when a mother heals herself, the world around them heals too. Especially her children.

Thank you Mei, for sharing your story.

(The two mandalas above were drawn by Mei as she worked through her life challenges. The first mandala was drawn before the session, and the second, after the session.)