Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Selected Inspirng Quotes from Tsem Tulku Rinpoche's "If Not Now, When?"

Here are 10 inspiring quotes that I've selected from Tsem Tulku Rinpoche's book, "If Not Now,When?". There were many beautiful and meaningful quotes in the book, but somehow, these 10 quotes attracted my attention.

Here are the 10 quotes:
  1. The greatest mind is not about wanting other people to change; but you yourself changing and accepting other people. The greatest mind is to stop thinking when THEY will change. No. We should think, "When will I change?"
  2. Spiritual practice is not about going to places and chanting, knowing the stuff and debating. Spiritual practice is the transformation of our perspective and how we look at things. It is how much our mind has changed from negative to positive. That is spiritual practice.
  3. We can bring joy to others if we have controlled our minds. We can control our minds if we take any holy being's teachings - of Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus Christ, Krishna - and we really sincerely practice them, not just follow blindly, then we will see a big difference.
  4. If we are going to pray for and benefit the world, we should start with the people we live with. We don't talk about world peace, we talk about the people we live with.
  5. If we have been having arguments with our wife, we should stop thinking, "Why is my wife like that? Maybe we should start thinking, "Why do I react to my wife life like that?" and let go and change ourselves.
  6. If you blame others for everything wrong in your life, you give control over your life to them. If you control your life, you cannot blame others.
  7. Gymnast, lazy people, complainers and successful people have all practiced to be what they are good at. So, if you keep practicing being lazy, you will be lazy. If you keep practicing complaining, you will always complain. If you practice compassion, generosity, patience, working hard and having a bigger vision, you will become better at it with time because you will create the causes to become better. You are practicing to become better.
  8. God and Buddha cannot get rid of hatred but a development of love within ourselves can. Forgiveness is the start.
  9. Time and death of people will not stand still for you to finish your project, plans, works and wishes. If the real reason for what we are doing now is to bring happiness to those we care about, and we neglect, mistreat, forget them or make them sad, then how do we know they will still be around or alive when we are ready?
  10. What matters is right now. How you react.
Good to contemplate and reflect on these wise words from Rinpoche, don't you think?

(The photo above was taken by me last December while taking a short break at Marriot Putrajaya Resort.)

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Oracle Reading for 28 March 2017

Today is New Moon. I thought I select a card from Caroline Myss's Healing Cards deck. Haven't use this deck for quite sometime, so why not pick one today?

Card 41 came up and it says: Now is now. Are you going to be here or not?

The back reads: A delicious question. Spend this day living fully in your reply, even if you're unable to let go of yesterday entirely. When you give yesterday more power than today, does it enhance the here-and-now?

Today is New Moon. Let go of yesterday, and create fresh, new beginnings today. To create we have to stay present. Now is now.

New Moon blessings everyone!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Oracle Reading for 3 March 2017

In the swift of an eye, we are now in March 2017. How quickly 2017 swoops us up!

Today, I was drawn to pulling a card from Doreen Virtue's Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards deck. And sexy Freyja popped right out very quickly.

She said, "It's now March already. Don't hold yourself back. Unleash your adventurous side. Take risks and be daring. Be bold and work towards achieving your dreams. Stay true to your heart's passion. Do not procrastinate because before you know it, 2017 will be over quickly!"

Freyja is a Nordic earth goddess of fertility, celebration and passion. It's interesting that she came up today. Because today is Friday, and Friday is named after this Nordic goddess.

Have a great, adventurous weekend!