Today is Full Moon in Capricorn, and Hathor's message of Receptivity appeared in today's card reading. She said:
"Allow yourself to receive. This will increase your intuition, energy, and the ability to give to others".
I've met many who have difficulties receiving due to guilt or feelings of unworthiness. "And, just what are we receiving?" these blocked ones may ask.
Examples are:
- Kindness
- Care and attention
- Compliments
- Gifts
- A smile from a child
- Grace
In order words, allow yourself to receive the good from others and the Universe.
As for today, the Full Moon in Capricorn carries the energies of working towards dreams and goals while staying grounded and balanced. Allow yourself to receive this gift today.
Release all forms of guilt, and feelings of unworthiness and affirm:
"I allow myself to receive. I am worthy to receive. Thank you!"
And so it is!
(The card above is pulled from Doreen Virtue's Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards. Hathor is an Egyptian sky and sun goddess)