Sunday, September 1, 2019

Ho'oponopono Butterfly Magic Prayer

Today, on my birthday, the Butterfly People came to me and inspired in me, this Ho'oponopono prayer:

I Am The I.

I Am Fluttering my Rainbow Butterfly Wings.
Flying, Swooping, Sprinkling Colourful Butterfly Magic
onto All My Memories.
Dispersing them into Zero.

It is Done.
I Allow It So.
The Peace of I.

- Khema Yen's Ho'oponopono Butterfly Magic Prayer, 1 September 2019.

(Image is my Butterfly Maiden mandala, drawn on 30 November 2018).

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Rainbow Loop and Rainbow Drops

Rainbow Loop and Rainbow Drops for the Inner Child. That's the title for my latest mandala. I see my Inner Child being surrounded by a circle of rainbow, with drops of rainbow colours all over her. She gets cleaned every single moment, 24 hours a day, every day. A perfect Ho'oponopono cleaning tool!

You can use this mandala to clean your inner child too.

I Love You! Thank You! I Love You! Thank You! I Love You! Thank You!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Sending Love To Those Trying Their Best To Heal Things They Don't Discuss

Last night, I had a long chat over the phone with my friend, Jit. I asked how he was doing and he replied he was doing well. We talked to catch up on old times, when we accidentally touched on something raw. Jit's voice shivered.

"Would you like to talk about it?" I asked.

Jit kept silent.

"It's ok. Talk only when you're comfortable," I said.

Another long silence. I gave Jit some breathing space.

Finally, he spoke. "Ok. Let me start from the very beginning."

Jit spoke about things I never knew was happening to him despite our years of friendship.

He is not alone. Within these past few months, I have friends who revealed their struggles and challenges - things like divorce, illnesses, financial losses, betrayals, retrenchments and falling prey to scams. I never knew!

When asked "How are you?", "Fine" or "Good" were the usual replies. They would laugh, smile, speak about their children, lament about the weather, talk about that hawker centre that serves good char kuei teow, but inside is the lonely, struggling man or woman, hiding themselves, putting up a brave and happy front for the world to see.

Oh! May we drop our judgements, comparison, indifference, and learn to see beyond the obvious! May we learn to accept others for exactly who they are and listen with love and compassion! Only then, those in pain will receive the gift of being heard and accepted. They know they're not so alone anymore; that there's someone who knows their inner battles and the scars that they hide.

As for those quietly fighting battles inside, you need not fight alone. Reach out for support and help from those that you trust. You could also call The Befrienders 24-hours hotline number at 03-79568145. Or, the BGF Counseling Service at 03-78599610/78599682, Mon-Fri, 7.30pm-9.30pm.

Here's sending love to everyone who's trying their best to heal from things they don't discuss.

I love you. Thank you. I love you. Thank you. I love you. Thank you.


(The two images above are from my Facebook news feed).

Monday, January 7, 2019

Walking As A Profession

I've just read a real-life story of a 62 years old pensioner whose work is walking. Yes, just walking. Every morning, Vincent wakes up early, walks from his home to town, greeting whomever he meets along his way. He'll spend his day in town, strolling down the streets, sometimes resting on a bus bench, observing traffic; sometimes sitting in a bakery, drinking coffee. Otherwise, he'll just walk.

So, how does Vincent contribute to his community?

"One thing I'm sure of, I'm not doing anyone any harm," he answered. He walks to celebrate and appreciate the existence of things - the clouds, the trees, the many things people pass by unnoticed.

Naturally, the town folks think he is crazy - a Harvard graduate wandering around the town like this. But Vincent just don't care. "Someone's got to do it!" he said. Who else to celebrate and acknowlege the existence of the things in town? Vincent is proud that he is that someone.

Vincent is a true professional - a professional walker. He lives a meaningful life by walking everyday, with no plans for retirement. Nor does he expects to be applauded and rewarded for this actions.

This extraordinary story taught me that one doesn't need to do great things or hold a prestigious job, in order to live a meaningful life. A simple act of walking, greeting, appreciating, and celebrating is living a meaningful life.

So, how is it for you? What is the story of your true profession? You know you've found it when you feel light, and not being dragged down by family, friends, and society's expectations.

You know you've found it when life is not all about you and you alone, but there's a community to care for.

You know you've found it when you're true to the callings of your heart and soul.

May we find the strength and courage to live a life of meaning and purpose.

(Vincent's story is found in "Your Mythic Journey", written by Sam Keen and Anne Valley-Fox. The image, and quote of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsbury, popped up in my Facebook timeline, and reminded me of Vincent's story.)

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Listening to Your Inner Yearnings

Today is the first day of 2019. 2019 is the year of the 3 - a catalyst number. 3 is also the number of the Inner Child. So, this morning, I asked the question, " What does the Inner Child wants us to know this year?"

The Guardian of Hearts, Gabrielle, came up. Gabrielle is blowing her horn to the depths of your Heart and your Soul. Listen to that sound! What is being called forth from that deep place inside you? What is your heartfelt desire? Gabrielle is calling them out.

Let the sound of Gabrielle's horn stir your deepest yearnings. You may feel uncomfortable as these yearnings have been buried too long inside. But oh! That sound from Gabrielle's horn! You can't suppress them any longer, for they will answer to the call of that magic horn. They will swim up to the surface.

Feel them stirring up your heart and soul. Embrace them. Allow them space in your heart. They have been called.

This year, it is time to listen, and to act on your inner yearnings.

And so it is.