Friday, December 15, 2017

What Do You Want in 2018?

As I write this, it is just two weeks before 2018 begins. I couldn't believe how fast 2017 sped by, just like that. I remembered that I began 2017 with writing down what I wanted to see happened, and I started with a major decluttering of my space. I wanted to start 2017 with removing what no longer worked for me; what no longer resonated with me; what no longer was me. In short, I began 2017 by removing what was not me, to start new beginnings. And it really is a year of many new beginnings for my whole family. At first, I was afraid of what we had to go through, but it all turned up well. We are ok.

So now, 2017 is coming to a close, and we are moving into 2018 soon. Again, it is time to set a new tone, and new intentions for a new year. What do you want to create in 2018? What do you want to see happen? To start a family? A new career? A new hobby? What is the theme of 2018 for you?

For me, the theme for 2018 is "I CAN". It will be a year where I will challenge my deep-seated and stubborn thought patterns of "I Can't" and turn it into "I Can". "I Can, I Can, I Can" is my new mantra for 2018. And to help support my "I Can" theme of 2018, I am going to take really good care of my health, and it starts with the gut. So, along with a new "I Can" mantra, gut health will be foremost on my mind in 2018.

Now, what about you? Name one thing you want in your life in 2018.

Yes, name it. Write it down in your journal. Take this last remaining two weeks of 2017 to ponder what you have achieved this year, and what you would like to continue on next year. Spend some time in solitude to do this. By doing so, you are declaring to yourself, and the Universe, your dreams, and your intentions for 2018. You are creating a pathway to what you want.

Here's an image that I saw in my fb timeline:

Yet, having said that, for some, the pathway to what they want seems hidden, or full of obstacles. They wonder what is the next best action to take. And for some, they wonder what is their path in life.

If you are one of those who feel this way, I invite you to book an appointment with me. I will do a reading, followed by an energy bodywork to clear and release old, limited memories lodged in the cells of your body. This brings much clarity and insight to what your path in 2018 is all about.

May 2018 be a year of joy, good health, happiness and peace. May 2018 be your year.


(I love the two images above, which I saw in my fb timeline. Am thanking the creators of these two images.)

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Igniting A Heart Fire

Igniting a new dream
Igniting a new love
Igniting a Heart Fire
- Khema Yen, 28 November 2017

Entering Retreat Space

Entering Retreat Space
Quiet moments alone.
The gate of the Healing Garden
lies open and ajar.
What awaits me there?
I don't know.... it's a mystery.

I peer inside.
I am afraid.
I don't know what I'll find there.
So, I want to run away.
My mind find ways to distract me.

But my Soul...Ahh! My eternal Soul,
whispers her gentle voice
"Go inside."

And so...I enter.
I close the garden gate.
I take a deep, brave breath.
I am inside now.
Suddenly, I realized...
Whatever I need, is here.

I am here to discover what truly matters.

- Khema Yen, 22 November 2017

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Oracle Woman

I am a Tarot Bodyworker.
Lighting a lamp,
to illuminate hidden pathways.
Opening magical doors,
to gain new understandings.
Seeking truths,
where there's veils of illusions.

And then...
Letting go
those darken stories that lies beneath.
I am an Oracle Woman.
- Khema Yen, 8 November 2017

Ah...yes. This is what I do for a living. This is my joy, my offering, my work. It's what makes my heart sings upon greeting a new day. I dedicate this poem to beautiful souls who ask me these questions: What do you do? What is your work?

I am an Oracle Woman.

(The image above is a card from the Osho Zen Tarot deck. She is The Oracle Woman. I've gained so much guidance and inspiration from her. I love you. Thank you.)

Monday, October 30, 2017

Freeing Ourselves From Memories

Yes, it's true it takes great effort to let go of old, painful memories. Memories that grew so old inside, that we've become them; the way old trees are shaped and conditioned by the rains, the winds, the sun and the soil.

We are not free if these memories continue to play at the background, although the events that were associated with them were long gone. Memories from a moment ago, memories from last Sunday, memories from childhood, ancestors memories, past life memories - we have a huge cauldron of memories, stirring and bubbling, and playing in our unconscious, which then creates the reality we live in. Oh! How unconscious we are of the dramas inside us!

For me, I make efforts to clear them. I free them through Ho'oponopono, a Hawaiian technique created by Morrnah Simeona, and famously taught by Dr Hew Len and Dr Joe Vitale. Ho'oponopono means "to make right" or "to rectify an error". It's a process of forgiveness, repentance, and transformation that uses these 4 simple phrases:

I'm Sorry.
Please Forgive Me.
I Love You.
Thank You.

I repeat these 4 lines (sometimes, together with other Ho'oponopono clearing tools), until I know that the memories are released, and that I've entered the Zero or Emptiness state described by Dr Hew Len. When I am at Zero, I am one with Divinity; I am at the place of Origin. At Zero, I am free of memories. My cells know it, my mind knows it, and my spirit knows it.

During these times of great change, where a new Planet Earth is being birthed, the old history of humanity must be released. We, collectively, must make the effort to free ourselves from these old, dysfunctional memories. This great effort starts with every individual as each of us are responsible for our experience, and for creating a new world for ourselves.

It's time. We are being called.

I'm Sorry.
Please Forgive Me.
I Love You.
Thank You.

Peace begins with me.

(The image with the quote from Paulo Coelho, appeared in my FB timeline this morning. It inspired me to write about my Ho'oponopono practice, and the importance of releasing memories today)

Friday, October 6, 2017

Believe In Yourself

When I shared the image above in my Facebook timeline, a friend asked, "Did the Buddha said this?" I answered, "I don't know. It's not mentioned here."

But I do know who said something similar to me years ago. I was just starting out with my work, and had a lot of self doubts whether I could do it. I shared my doubts with a friend.

"Would my other friends believe in me?
Would they think I am crazy?
Would people put their trust in me that I can help them?
Can I actually do this as a living?
Will I make enough?
Etc, etc, etc."

My friend listened to me jabbering away, and then quietly said, "Even if the whole world do not believe in you, you must believe in yourself."

My dear friend put me right back on track, that day, many years ago. And, I am glad to say, I believe in myself enough to continue doing the work that I love.

So, if you're caught in the stream of self doubts thoughts, just remember the quote above. Or, this message from the mermaid:

Then, let go of those worries and struggles.

"Once you believe in yourself, put your mind and body in a peaceful place, then allow the Universe to work in a perfect way it knows how's
- Dr Wayne Dyer

Believe in Yourself. Trust. Allow.

And so it is.

(I do not know who are the artists for these two images. I happened to see them in my facebook timeline. I thank these two artists.)

Monday, September 25, 2017

The Path of Beauty for Malaysians

Malaysians celebrated Independence Day on 31 August, and Malaysia Day on 16 September. Out of curiosity, I thought of drawing some cards for Malaysia. I chose the Path Of Beauty layout - to see how we are walking along this Beauty Way, and where we are heading. The cards were drawn from Jamie Sams's Sacred Path Cards, and Animal Medicine Cards decks. I must say, the results surprised me.

They said, "Despite the despair and negativities that you see in your country, Malaysia is already on the path towards expansion. Let go of negative opinions and judgments, and learn to come together and integrate your collective strengths and gifts from all your different cultures. Do not jump to conclusions based on  public opinions. Activate the Storyteller in you that tells the story of aliveness; of richness; stories of harmony, appreciation, and integration of your unique diverse cultures.

Next, come back to your Roots! You are the people of the mighty Rainforest! Whether you are the indigenous here, or Malays, or Chinese or Indians, etc, as long as you are born here, you are of the people of the Rainforest. Come back to stand tall and strong once more. Throughout these years, Malaysians have been hit by many events that collectively corroded your sense of self esteem. So, remember your roots, people of the Rainforest.

What's in the Rainforest? Trees, rich with diversity, standing tall and strong; a forest brimming with life; generously providing oxygen to the world. Like the Rainforest, you are people with open hearts, generous of spirit, yet strong like protective warriors. It's now time to remember this, and to reawaken this ancestral memories of strength, kindness and generosity to everyone.

Ultimately, the path leads you to the Whirling Rainbow, a symbol of unity and wholeness. To get to this stage, there's a medicine you need to embrace, and that is the medicine of the Blue Heron. Blue Heron is dropping his blue feather to you, urging you to develop your self-reflective skills to see which part of you lives in separation, instead of wholeness. Which part of you choose to live in isolation? Is there a racist in you? Where have you been too quick to judge? What are being mirrored to you? Dive into the watery world of feelings to see the truth of the Whirling Rainbow."

So said the cards.

Before I come to a close, let's visualize the Whirling Rainbow encircling the whole of Malaysia, clearing away all despair and negativity; clearing away all disharmony. Imagine the Whirling Rainbow sweeping away all toxic psychic debris out from our country and disintegrating into Light. While we are doing this, we recite the Ho'oponopono prayer: I'm Sorry; Please Forgive Me; I Love You; Thank You.

We give thanks to the Whirling Rainbow. We give thanks to our beautiful country, Malaysia. I love you. Thank you.

And so it is.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Unicorn Magic for the Rohingyas

Since last week, my facebook newsfeed and whatsapp group messages have been filled with news and stories about the rohingya crisis in Myanmar. I received all kinds of news from various sources, making it hard to differentiate which ones were fake, which were real. Meanwhile, the truth lies somewhere in between.

I was very disturbed and shocked by what I saw and read, but, I was even more shocked and disturbed by the reactions and response from friends who shared those news. To me, the violence that was inflicted upon the rohingyas reflected the darkest aspects of the psyche of the Burmese people! I reached out to my deck of Doreen Virtue's Magical Unicorns cards. I felt I needed the Unicorn's pure Light to shine on this darkness that is spilling out from Myanmar into other Asean countries.

The unicorns did not mince words. They were absolutely clear and precise with what they wanted to say.

"Stand for Truth!", they said. "Whatever news you hear, from wherever their source were from, the truth is, violence have been inflicted on this group of people. Stand for Truth and Justice!

Shine Light on yourself, and everyone who is involved in this situation - both the victims and the perpetrators. Imagine this bright Ray of Light embracing everyone.

Bring Love to the situation. The power of Love heals the fear that lies at the heart of both victims and perpetrators. Allow Light and Love to permeate through the darkness of this crisis."

I immediately set to work. I no longer get myself pulled into discussions of the history of the rohingyas, their origins, the Myanmar militants, the lack of concrete solutions from Aung San Suu Kyi, etc. I just stand for Truth and Justice. I radiate Light, and Love to the darkness I find within myself, and to the whole situation.

Please join me in engulfing Light and Love to the rohingyas crisis. I love the image of the unicorn card above. It is a Ho'oponopono clearing tool! ( I just discovered this as I was working on this issue.) Imagine the golden Light from this unicorn permeating into every cell and every pore of your tissues and all over your auric field, and say: I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. Continue doing this until you feel the love, the peace, and the stability of mind and spirit washing over you.

Let's collectively clear the rohingyas crisis together with Love and Light.

The Unicorns have given their magic. It is done. Thank you. I love you.

And so it is.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Insights from Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon and Our Ancestors

So much information has been written, and posted on the social medias, and internet on the 21 August 2017 Full Solar Eclipse. On the eve of the eclipse, I decided to do a Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon layout. I felt that this layout was perfect to gain insights on the significance of the eclipse. After all, it was an event where the Moon, the Sun and the Earth were aligned together, and the layout would brought out information from the Sun, the Moon and the Ancestors.

It was meant to be a personal reading for me, but Great Spirit whispered that I was to share the insights to whoever who happened to read this. What's in me, is also in the collective.

Grandfather Sun calls for Respect - to respect the sacredness of the eclipse! He calls upon us to respect each and everyone's sacred space. We all have our own sacred space: our own way of doing things; our belongings; our home; our beliefs; our personal boundaries. This is the time where we have to learn to honour and respect our own sacred space, as well as the sacred space of others. The challenge is to learn to wear our true colours, our Painted Face. We are so used to hiding ourselves; afraid to reveal the true self. We are afraid that if we are to do so, we'll lose our friends, our status, our money. Respecting our own sacred space, our inner boundaries and overcoming fears of revealing our true self, is needed right now. This is the message of Grandfather Sun.

Grandmother Moon calls for Joy. The solar eclipse is an Hour of Power! It was meant to bring blessings to humanity. What's also important is, Grandmother Moon says, is to find our own personal joy. What makes us joyful? To answer this question, we have to ask: Who am I? What makes me joyful? These are questions most people find difficult and challenging to answer. And it is connected to the challenge of the Painted Face given by Grandfather Sun. What is my Painted Face? Here, Grandmother Moon gives a hint: to find out what makes you joyful, connect with the Stone People - the stones, the rocks and the crystals. The Stone People holds a record of who you are on Mother Earth, and this would help you to find your joy. Tune in to a Stone Person and learn what she has to say. (You can also use this affirmation from Kyron: Within my Akash are the secrets to who I am. I pull upon my Akashic wisdom, which guides me in my everyday life and fills me with Divine Purpose). Finding out who we are, and what brings us joy, and getting that connection from the Stone People is the message from Grandmother Moon.

Finally, we have a gift from the Ancestors - the wise ones who have walked this Earth. They hand us a Talking Stick. They are saying, it is time to express our viewpoints, and at the same time to allow others to express their viewpoints and opinions as well. Right now, too many people are insisting that their way is the only way, and their viewpoints and opinions are the only truths, resulting in much chaos and conflict in the world. The Talking Stick given by the Ancestors is their way of saying, yes, it is time to speak your views and opinions but at the same time, respectfully allow others to speak theirs as well. By doing so, we can learn much from each other. This is a gift from our Ancestors during the solar eclipse.

Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon and the Ancestors have spoken. Thank you Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon and the Ancestors.

And so it is.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Oracle Reading on 17 August 2017

There's so much drama and emotional intensity in Malaysia, and around the world now, that I thought of getting some guidance from Doreen Virtue's Archangel Oracle deck. As usual, the cards that appeared are highly appropriate during such times.

Here, we have Archangel Chamuel, and he comes with the message that we are in a time of transition. All the intensity we are experiencing now is due to this point of change in the collective unconscious.

How are we going to move through this change? Do we struggle with it? Do we resist it? Do we insist on maintaining the old ways? Or do we accept it with patience and grace? Can we be forgiving and allow new ways and new beliefs to take root in our mind? Can we be compassionate towards others?

To help us with this time of transition, we have Archangel Metatron's message of clearing and opening our chakras. In other words, clear yourself. Centre yourself. Heal yourself! Because all the negativity in our psychic space do affect our energy centers. And we won't be helping ourselves and those around us if we are carrying toxic energy in our energy field. So, clear yourself. And then, go deep inside you to find out what is the lesson you need to learn during this time. What are the energies in your chakras teaching you? What are they showing you? These lessons are important for us to help us move through this period of transition to create a better world for everyone.

I love how the cards lined up today. Because we also have Archangel Zadkiel coming in to remind us compassion. During such intense time, we tend to be very critical and judgemental of ourselves and others. Yet, the spiritual path is about love and compassion. So, as we move through this time; as we clear our energy; as we internally work on ourselves - we do them with great love and compassion.

I know, somehow, that whatever we are going through during this time of transition serves as a catalyst that will propel the world into a new direction.

Much love and peace to you.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

At the Mystic Bazaar

I was invited to give mini card reading sessions to participants of the Mystic Bazaar. This bazaar, held at the Tedboy Express, Bangsar South, was organized by my group of friends who call themselves Soul Rendezvous. So, there I was, at my sacred space that I set up at the bazaar, feeling happy and excited to meet friends and participants.

For this event, I chose to use the Inner Child card deck, to get participants to engage with their Inner Child. It was a fun to bring out the child inside, and to hear the messages that were conveyed to the participants. Fun and insightful!

A group of women listening intently to the messages from their Inner Child.

Thank you everyone who visited my sacred space and thank you Soul Rendezvous for organizing this fun event. Thank you!

Sunday, July 9, 2017


Emergence. This was the title that kept appearing in my mind as I was creating this mandala. "What is it that is emerging?", I asked while I continued drawing and putting in the colours that made me feel good. In fact, the whole process of creating this mandala made me feel strong and vibrant.

Then, halfway through the mandala, I knew. I knew what was emerging.

Emergence - The Violet Flame.

For years, I've known about the violet flame but had never taken any special interest in it. Nor had it played any major role in my life. Now, it appears to me easily. The mandala has initiated me to the violet flame. I easily see it when I close my eyes; I see it surrounding me when I call upon it; and I see it shape-shifting into different forms and colours when I am working with clients.Watching the violet flame in action in myself and clients, is like watching alchemy in action. No wonder it is described as a flame of transmutation and alchemy.

What is the violet flame?

The violet flame is a spiritual ray associated with Saint Germain. In the early 1930s, Saint Germain appeared to Guy Ballard, and gave Ballard the first teachings of the violet flame. It is a spiritual ray that transmutes negative energy to positive energy.

"The violet flame goes after the schisms which cause psychological problems that go back to early childhood and previous incarnations and that have established such deep grooves within the consciousness that in fact they have been difficult to shake lifetime after lifetime"
- Saint Germain

To help you get started with the violet flame, here is a decree given by Saint Germain which you can recite daily. You can recite this 3 times, 9 times or any multiple of 3.

I AM a being of violet fire!
I AM the purity God desires!

(You can insert names of people or places. For example:
Alex is a being of violet fire! Alex is the purity God desires.
Kuala Lumpur is a city of violet fire! Kuala Lumpur is the purity God desires!)

I invite you to call upon the violet flame daily. Because, as we call and invoke the violet flame into our life, we are talking and engaging with the cells in our body. Kyron (as channeled by Lee Carroll) has said that the violet flame is the esoteric Layer Nine of our DNA - a multi-dimensional aspect of our DNA that heals the body. Can you see the significance of this? The violet flame is inside our DNA - a healing flame inside us that waits for us to jump start it into action.

I AM the violet flame.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

What Do You Want To Delete From Earth?

I saw the image above in my facebook newsfeed, not long after the Ariana Grande's concert terrorist attack. It was such a striking image, and I shared and posed this question to my facebook friends. Interestingly, only one friend responded. Perhaps my friends did not realise the importance of this question.

Before I continue with my writing, I am going repeat the question: if you could "delete" anything from Earth, what would it be? Let your answer be instantaneous.

When I first saw this image, an answer came up immediately.


"There's just too much hatred in the world; too many killings, bombings, bullying, etc", I said. "I want to delete HATRED!"

Then I remembered this Hermetic saying, "As is the great, so is the small; as is above, so it is below." And, the wise words of Dr Hew Len, " Everything you seek and everything you experience - everything- is inside you. If you want to change anything, you do it inside, not outside." In other words, what I wanted to delete outside, I delete inside. And then, my energetic contribution of hatred on Earth gets deleted.

So, I turned the question to: what's inside me that perceives so much hatred on Earth? What am I hating? What, and who am I resenting? What kind of "hatred programmes" am I holding on in my cellular memories?

I brought my awareness back to what was happening inside me. And I said these magical Ho'oponopono prayers:

I'm Sorry.
Please Forgive Me,
I Love You,
Thank You.

I let go, and release the hatred, the resentment, and the anger inside me. And, until today, I continue to clean, and delete the HATRED inside my inner Earth.

So, please allow me to ask you the question again, "If you could delete anything from Earth, what would it be?"

Peace begins with me.

(I thank the unknown creator of the image above. Thank you.)

Monday, June 5, 2017

Being A Buddha Body In That One Place

"Don't worry if you feel you can only do one tiny good thing in one small corner of the cosmos. Just be a Buddha body in that one place."
- Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh

The photo above is taken by a facebook friend, Mr Goh Keat Soon. He is a senior citizen, and travels around Malaysia, taking photographs of the beautiful sceneries of Mother Nature surrounding him. He then shares his photos with friends, and those in his facebook community. By sharing on facebook, he creates a feeling of appreciation and love for Malaysia's beautiful nature. His nature photos help dissipate the many negative postings one finds in facebook nowadays. Mr Goh becomes a Buddha body wherever he goes.

As for me, I do Tarot and Oracle card readings for clients, and help them to release the challenging and toxic memories that are revealed through the cards, by working on their energetic body. I also draw, and conduct workshops on Mandala Journeying to help students to engage with their unconscious self. My work brings peace and harmony to clients and students. I know that by doing the work that I love, I am contributing in solving tiny pieces of karmic puzzles of humanity. This has always been  the major motivation for my work. I become a Buddha body in my one place.

What about you? What are the tiny good things you do in the corner of your cosmos? No one is ever that insignificant that they feel they cannot contribute anything. Even the chirping birds in my garden have a role to play. Their songs cheer me up every day. They are Buddha bodies in my garden.

Yes, the modern world is full of challenges; from environmental problems, to economic instability, to threats of terrorism. It feels extremely overwhelming and exhausting to ordinary people like us. But are we truly that ordinary? The Ven Thich Nhat Hanh said we are not so ordinary after all. Everyone of us holds a key in solving a piece of the grand puzzle of humanity. All of us are able to do one tiny good thing in our corner of the world. Collectively, we become Buddha bodies in our one special place.

Here is a poem I wrote after being inspired by Mr Goh's photo:

"Reeds, Bird and Water
A chance encounter on a clear, crispy day.
Each brings their unique presence
to this brief moment of stillness.
A breath of silence
turns into exquisite timelessness."
- Khema Yen, 5 June 2017

Just like the reeds, the bird and water, we are unique individuals. May our presence co-creates goodness in the world.

I wish you deep peace and happiness.

(This quote by Ven Thich Nhat Hanh appeared in my facebook newsfeed and I felt the connection between Mr Goh's photo and the meaningful words. So, I wrote down my thoughts here, plus a poem too. Thank you Mr Goh Keat Soon!)

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Oracle Card Reading for 31 May 2017

Things seem rather dark and gloomy lately. And here, we have Archangel Uriel holding a lamp, illuminating our pathway, one step at a time.

Yes, things may seem dark and cloudy and we may not see the outcome of the current situation, but this card reassures us that we have a lamp inside us, an internal wisdom, that can show us the way, step by step.

Trust your inner wisdom, your inner knowing; trust the guidance that are given to you and act accordingly. You can also ask Archangel Uriel to illuminate your pathway with his lamp.

Remember: You Know What To Do. Shine your inner lamp to illuminate your steps; trust your inner wisdom and take appropriate action.

I am envisioning a world where each of us are lighting our inner lamps, illuminating step by step our own pathways. Together, we light up the world.

(The card above is pulled from Doreen Virtue's Archangel Oracle Cards deck)

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Four Little Earth Angels

Four Little Earth Angels,
all Smiles,
all Sweetness.
Each in the Four Directions
- East, South, West, North
Sprinkling old Mother Earth
with colours of
and Hearts full of Love.

Have you caught their Angel Dust?
Dare you catch it?
Quick! Quick!
Catch it! Catch it!

Fun! Fun! Fun!

- Khema Yen, 22 May 2017

The mandala, and the poem is about the need to rekindle our child-like heart; to reconnect with the Child inside all of us. It is the Child that makes us wonder again; to see the moon and the stars as though the very first time, everytime; to laugh easily; to love wholeheartedly. For it has been said:

"Great is the human who has not lost his child-like heart".
- Paulo Coelho

This Inner Child Medicine Wheel mandala is offered to you with great love and peace.

( The mandala, and the poem above is called "Four Little Earth Angels". )

Thursday, May 11, 2017

In Defense of Prayers

Early this morning, I stumbled across a facebook post about prayers. "Do prayers really work?", the writer asked. Or, are prayers merely feel good factors for those who are praying?; he pondered. His questions helped me to recall a friend, questioning the power of prayers during the MH370 incident. At that time, the whole of Malaysia was praying for a positive outcome, yet the plane is still missing today.

I can relate to those questions. Because many times, I too, have asked these similar questions:
Am I really helping or am I just mumbling words?
How can praying help that person who is suffering with pain?
Can prayers change a challenging situation?
Does my praying help heal the world?

Yet, despite these doubts, I continued to pray and to chant regularly. There's one thing I now know though, and that is, thoughts do create our reality. And if our thoughts create our reality, wouldn't it be true that directing positive and loving thoughts to a certain person or situation, changes something too?

The following quote from Mona Lisa Schulz shows that prayer do help with the sick:

"Many studies show that engaging in prayer, meditation, and imagery can help the health of others, and has helped to bolster red blood cells, protect people in coronary care unit from infection and minimize their need for antibiotics, and in fact, seems to prevent death (fewer people who were prayed for died during the study)".
- Mona Lisa Schulz, M.D. Ph.D in 'The Feminine Brain'

And then, there's this very inspiring story from Caroline Myss:

"One of the most profound stories that I ever heard in a workshop was told by a woman who had been seriously injured in a car accident and had had a near-death experience - I'll call her Maggie. Maggie was so shattered that she went out of her body, and in that state, floating above the scene of the accident, she could hear how people in cars behind her were responding to the accident. Some were deeply shaken by witnessing it, while others were saying things like 'Oh Jesus, this is all I need! How long are we going to be stuck here?' But from the fifth car behind hers, she saw a beautiful swirl of light rising up into the ether and then right back down into her own body. She thought, 'What's going on there?' And just as she thought that, she was instantly next to the woman in that car, who was sending out a prayer for her. In that energetic state, in the midst of her near-death experience, Maggie got the license plate of that car and committed it to memory. She eventually came back into her body, and was taken into the hospital. When she was fully recovered, she tracked down the woman who had prayed for her, and she showed up at her doorstep with a bouquet of flowers to say thank you."
- Caroline Myss, Ph.D in ' Why People Don't Heal and How They Can'

These two examples reminds us that there's power in prayers; and that we can never fully understand the effects of our prayers. Because prayers lies in the domain of the spirit - something our intellectual mind has difficulty understanding.

To prayer doubters, I would say, let go of those doubts. One can never harm anyone by sending positive thoughts or thinking positively for a better outcome. Instead, your kind, loving, compassionate thoughts create a positive energy field around you that interacts with the energy field of the person or situation that you are thinking about. And this not only brings comfort to those in pain and suffering, but has the potential to change things for the better - changes that are unknown to you.

One kind thought, one kind word, one kind gaze, one kind touch, heals the world.

Deep Peace To You.

(The image above is from one of the many posts I saw from my facebook newsfeed. Thanking the artist who created it.)

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Oracle Reading for May

The month of May carries the story King Midas. For the past months, King Midas had been in a cocoon, going through lots of inner transformation. There, he faced his inner struggles; his inner demons. There, he had more questions than answers. Yet, it was in the cocoon that King Midas discovered his goals in life, and he "wish upon the star" for his goals to come true.

Now, here he is, emerging from his cocoon, coming out strong and energized, with the help of two fairies. He is ready to take flight; ready to give birth to a new dream, a new venture. And he will be successful! For, in this month of May, he has been gifted with the Midas Touch; the touch that turns things into gold!

But, the good king has to remember to balance materialism with spiritualism; to balance his drive for gold with things that matters to his heart. He needs to remember that not everything in life is about money and material gains. He needs to remember this or his Midas Touch could bring disaster to his life.

But, perhaps this newly emerged King Midas is already aware of this, and has learnt the lesson while in the cocoon?

This month of May brings so much new potential of success for a balanced King Midas. What a grand month this is!

We are the King Midas.

(The cards above were drawn from Isha Lerner and Mark Lerner's "Inner Child Cards - A Fairy Tale Tarot".)

Monday, May 1, 2017

The Crow

The Crow
Sits on a lonely branch.
Caw Caw Caw!
Listen to my song
of Life-Death-Life.
Caw Caw Caw!
It is Law.
Caw Caw Caw!
It is Law!
- Khema Yen, 1 May 2017

(The mandala, and the poem above is called The Crow)

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Who Are You Keeping?

How do you feel when you saw the image above? Did you stop and stare at it and felt like something went "thud" in your heart? Did you suddenly feel like crying? Was there an "Eureka!" moment? Or did your mind just went blank?

Because when I first caught sight of it in my facebook news feed, my mind went blank. I stopped my usual scrolling and stared at the image for quite awhile. Something went "thud" in my head. I felt that whoever that created this image spoke directly to the heaviness in my heart - the emotional pain of being around those who just took me for granted; that I was just merely an ATM machine for their causes or whatever products and services they were peddling. And then there were people who treated me as those I wasn't there; I felt like an invisible woman in their presence.

The image appeared at a time when I was questioning myself over my choice of hanging out with such people - people whom I cared for; people whom I supported and was their cheerleader; people who took my kindness and generosity and support for granted.

My eureka moment as I read the message: I could let them go. So, I let them go, peacefully. I set myself free.

In life, we are bound to meet all kinds of people; some are kind and generous, some are nasty and cunning. So, watch out! Be discerning of who you keep company! Only keep those who...
  • love you
  • motivate you
  • inspire you
  • enhances you
  • makes you happy
So, ask yourself these questions: Who do you want to spend time with? Who makes you happy? Who drains your spirit? Who supported you when you needed help? Who gives only empty promises? Who only contact you when they want to sell something? Who accept and appreciate your uniqueness?

Be discerning.
Because you're worth it.
Because you treasure real, genuine friendships and relationships.

And because all relationships work both ways, for those you chose to keep, you:
  • love them dearly
  • motivate them
  • inspire them
  • enhance them
  • makes them happy
That's how we come full circle with our relationships with others.

Huge love and peace to you.

(I would like to thank the unknown creator of the image above. Thank you!)

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Selected Inspirng Quotes from Tsem Tulku Rinpoche's "If Not Now, When?"

Here are 10 inspiring quotes that I've selected from Tsem Tulku Rinpoche's book, "If Not Now,When?". There were many beautiful and meaningful quotes in the book, but somehow, these 10 quotes attracted my attention.

Here are the 10 quotes:
  1. The greatest mind is not about wanting other people to change; but you yourself changing and accepting other people. The greatest mind is to stop thinking when THEY will change. No. We should think, "When will I change?"
  2. Spiritual practice is not about going to places and chanting, knowing the stuff and debating. Spiritual practice is the transformation of our perspective and how we look at things. It is how much our mind has changed from negative to positive. That is spiritual practice.
  3. We can bring joy to others if we have controlled our minds. We can control our minds if we take any holy being's teachings - of Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus Christ, Krishna - and we really sincerely practice them, not just follow blindly, then we will see a big difference.
  4. If we are going to pray for and benefit the world, we should start with the people we live with. We don't talk about world peace, we talk about the people we live with.
  5. If we have been having arguments with our wife, we should stop thinking, "Why is my wife like that? Maybe we should start thinking, "Why do I react to my wife life like that?" and let go and change ourselves.
  6. If you blame others for everything wrong in your life, you give control over your life to them. If you control your life, you cannot blame others.
  7. Gymnast, lazy people, complainers and successful people have all practiced to be what they are good at. So, if you keep practicing being lazy, you will be lazy. If you keep practicing complaining, you will always complain. If you practice compassion, generosity, patience, working hard and having a bigger vision, you will become better at it with time because you will create the causes to become better. You are practicing to become better.
  8. God and Buddha cannot get rid of hatred but a development of love within ourselves can. Forgiveness is the start.
  9. Time and death of people will not stand still for you to finish your project, plans, works and wishes. If the real reason for what we are doing now is to bring happiness to those we care about, and we neglect, mistreat, forget them or make them sad, then how do we know they will still be around or alive when we are ready?
  10. What matters is right now. How you react.
Good to contemplate and reflect on these wise words from Rinpoche, don't you think?

(The photo above was taken by me last December while taking a short break at Marriot Putrajaya Resort.)

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Oracle Reading for 28 March 2017

Today is New Moon. I thought I select a card from Caroline Myss's Healing Cards deck. Haven't use this deck for quite sometime, so why not pick one today?

Card 41 came up and it says: Now is now. Are you going to be here or not?

The back reads: A delicious question. Spend this day living fully in your reply, even if you're unable to let go of yesterday entirely. When you give yesterday more power than today, does it enhance the here-and-now?

Today is New Moon. Let go of yesterday, and create fresh, new beginnings today. To create we have to stay present. Now is now.

New Moon blessings everyone!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Oracle Reading for 3 March 2017

In the swift of an eye, we are now in March 2017. How quickly 2017 swoops us up!

Today, I was drawn to pulling a card from Doreen Virtue's Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards deck. And sexy Freyja popped right out very quickly.

She said, "It's now March already. Don't hold yourself back. Unleash your adventurous side. Take risks and be daring. Be bold and work towards achieving your dreams. Stay true to your heart's passion. Do not procrastinate because before you know it, 2017 will be over quickly!"

Freyja is a Nordic earth goddess of fertility, celebration and passion. It's interesting that she came up today. Because today is Friday, and Friday is named after this Nordic goddess.

Have a great, adventurous weekend!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Lotus, Dragonfly and Lady Moon

Lady Moon shines her Light,
Dragonfly dances in the Dark.
The Lotus grows Tall and Strong,
To sing a Fragrant Song.
- Khema Yen, 6 February 2017.

(The mandala above is titled, The Lotus, Dragonfly and Lady Moon)

Sunday, February 5, 2017

On The First Day of The Rooster New Year

Mother Sea beckons
on the early morning
of the First Day of the Rooster New Year.
Leaving behind celebrating humans
I answered her urgent call.

Just me,
the Wind,
the Waves,
the Sky,
the Trees,
the Rocks,
and Concrete.

I greet Mother Sea;
my first visit of the year.
Heart sigh...
"At last! Someone hears me!
Someone understands me!"
And Heart pours.
She releases and empties ancient stories,
Mother Sea listens
Non judgmentally
She takes them in
Washes them away,

And then, I whisper back,
the prayers of the Ho'oponopono people,
"I'm Sorry,
Please Forgive Me,
I Love You,
Thank You"
over and over to the crushing waves;
requesting Mother Sea,
to take my prayers to all corners of Mother Earth.

It is Done.
It is Complete.
On the First Day of the Rooster New Year,
I take a First Breath.

- Khema Yen, 30 January 2017

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Changing From The Inside Out

I don't know who created the image above. I just happened to see it on my Facebook news feed. I like it a lot as the message carries a lot of wisdom on how to ride through this change of times.

I can't change what's going on outside me. I can't change the thoughts and behaviours of haters and racists and all those corrupt politicians, for example.

But I can change my response and consciousness by asking: "What's going on inside me that perpetuate this? How did I create this on an unconscious level? In what role have I contributed to this mess the whole world is in now? What do I need to let go such that I could offer a response that is based on compassion and love instead of fear and hatred? What are the lessons that I need to learn from this? Whom do I need to forgive? What do I need to let go so that there's peace in me?"

These are examples of the questions you can ask yourself; questions that do not offer easy answers. For, the answers come, not from the intellectual and philosophical mind, but from a place of silence and meditation. They are questions that point to a change in consciousness in oneself; questions that help shift our perceptions of life, and brings us closer to understanding ourselves and our contributions to life around us. These are spiritual questions that change one's consciousness.

Ask them, meditate upon them, and wait patiently for insights to arise. The greatest gift we can offer right now to society is our willingness to go deep inside us and take full responsibility for our creations. Yes, we are the ones that is creating our reality. We are creative beings, living in a interrelated world.

Once we, one by one, acknowledge our contributions to the collective unconscious, and once we, one by one, let go of our unconscious patterns that created the mess in our world, society will change.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Oracle Reading for 12 January 2017

It's Full Moon today, and here, we have Mother and Baby unicorn basking under the soft, silvery light of the moon, enjoying their drink from a water pool.

Mother and Baby unicorn reminds us to connect with water today. It's now hot and dry in Malaysia, so this is a friendly reminder for us here to respect water, not to waste water, and to drink more water to nourish our body.

Water also symbolizes emotions. Perhaps this hot weather stirs up some kind of emotional upsets for you? If this is so, this card reminds you to keep calm and cool over things. Drink more fluids, take foods like fresh fruits and vegetables to bring down that fiery feeling inside.

Enjoy the nice cooling sensation of water washing through every cells in your body. For after all, we are water.

(The card above is pulled from Doreen Virtue's Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards)

Tumbling Into Existence

Here we go,
tumbling into existence.
Shaking and rolling,
crossing over the great divide of polarities.
Bruised knees,
Scarred elbows,
Our edges and corners knocked off,
Tilting this way,
and that way.

And so, we tumbled,
over and over.
Taken captive by a force...
Loving it,
Hating it.
Oh! The craziness of it all!
Tumbling Into Existence.
- 8 January 2017.

The mandala above was completed on 19 Dec 2016 but I had difficulties relating to it then. And then on 8 Jan 2017, I finally understood it. It was an eureka moment, and the poem just wrote itself. Words came tumbling out just like that.

Tumbling Into Existence.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Changing Ourselves, Changing Our World

I was scrolling down my Facebook wall feeds, when the quote above caught my eye. It appeared at the right day and time. I was having a discussion with a Buddhist friend about the current situation in Malaysia and we spoke about how fruitless it was for people to wallow in negativity about our country.

My friend is the leader of a small Buddhist community in PJ. I immediately showed him the quote above, and then it was decided: I was to give a talk along the same theme in 2 Jan 2017 - a great start for the new year.

So, I gave a talk yesterday on "Changing Ourselves, Changing Our World". The essence of the talk was: we are all interconnected. And, that it is not an accident or some kind of haphazard design that we are born at this country, at this time and place, with our current government, with our parents... In short, we are at our current situation, not by mere accident, but for a reason. There is a karmic reason for this.

Each one of us, created this worldly situation together, in our past. That's why we are in this together, at our present time. And as we each take responsibility to change ourselves; to let go the stories, the patterns that is inside us that is creating the external problems, we change the world outside. Because we are interrelated; because we are in a huge web of life.

That's the summery of what I spoke about yesterday morning. A good start to this new year.