I saw the image above in my facebook newsfeed, not long after the Ariana Grande's concert terrorist attack. It was such a striking image, and I shared and posed this question to my facebook friends. Interestingly, only one friend responded. Perhaps my friends did not realise the importance of this question.
Before I continue with my writing, I am going repeat the question: if you could "delete" anything from Earth, what would it be? Let your answer be instantaneous.
When I first saw this image, an answer came up immediately.
"There's just too much hatred in the world; too many killings, bombings, bullying, etc", I said. "I want to delete HATRED!"
Then I remembered this Hermetic saying, "As is the great, so is the small; as is above, so it is below." And, the wise words of Dr Hew Len, " Everything you seek and everything you experience - everything- is inside you. If you want to change anything, you do it inside, not outside." In other words, what I wanted to delete outside, I delete inside. And then, my energetic contribution of hatred on Earth gets deleted.
So, I turned the question to: what's inside me that perceives so much hatred on Earth? What am I hating? What, and who am I resenting? What kind of "hatred programmes" am I holding on in my cellular memories?
I brought my awareness back to what was happening inside me. And I said these magical Ho'oponopono prayers:
I'm Sorry.
Please Forgive Me,
I Love You,
Thank You.
I let go, and release the hatred, the resentment, and the anger inside me. And, until today, I continue to clean, and delete the HATRED inside my inner Earth.
So, please allow me to ask you the question again, "If you could delete anything from Earth, what would it be?"
Peace begins with me.
(I thank the unknown creator of the image above. Thank you.)
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