Wednesday, June 21, 2017

What Do You Want To Delete From Earth?

I saw the image above in my facebook newsfeed, not long after the Ariana Grande's concert terrorist attack. It was such a striking image, and I shared and posed this question to my facebook friends. Interestingly, only one friend responded. Perhaps my friends did not realise the importance of this question.

Before I continue with my writing, I am going repeat the question: if you could "delete" anything from Earth, what would it be? Let your answer be instantaneous.

When I first saw this image, an answer came up immediately.


"There's just too much hatred in the world; too many killings, bombings, bullying, etc", I said. "I want to delete HATRED!"

Then I remembered this Hermetic saying, "As is the great, so is the small; as is above, so it is below." And, the wise words of Dr Hew Len, " Everything you seek and everything you experience - everything- is inside you. If you want to change anything, you do it inside, not outside." In other words, what I wanted to delete outside, I delete inside. And then, my energetic contribution of hatred on Earth gets deleted.

So, I turned the question to: what's inside me that perceives so much hatred on Earth? What am I hating? What, and who am I resenting? What kind of "hatred programmes" am I holding on in my cellular memories?

I brought my awareness back to what was happening inside me. And I said these magical Ho'oponopono prayers:

I'm Sorry.
Please Forgive Me,
I Love You,
Thank You.

I let go, and release the hatred, the resentment, and the anger inside me. And, until today, I continue to clean, and delete the HATRED inside my inner Earth.

So, please allow me to ask you the question again, "If you could delete anything from Earth, what would it be?"

Peace begins with me.

(I thank the unknown creator of the image above. Thank you.)

Monday, June 5, 2017

Being A Buddha Body In That One Place

"Don't worry if you feel you can only do one tiny good thing in one small corner of the cosmos. Just be a Buddha body in that one place."
- Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh

The photo above is taken by a facebook friend, Mr Goh Keat Soon. He is a senior citizen, and travels around Malaysia, taking photographs of the beautiful sceneries of Mother Nature surrounding him. He then shares his photos with friends, and those in his facebook community. By sharing on facebook, he creates a feeling of appreciation and love for Malaysia's beautiful nature. His nature photos help dissipate the many negative postings one finds in facebook nowadays. Mr Goh becomes a Buddha body wherever he goes.

As for me, I do Tarot and Oracle card readings for clients, and help them to release the challenging and toxic memories that are revealed through the cards, by working on their energetic body. I also draw, and conduct workshops on Mandala Journeying to help students to engage with their unconscious self. My work brings peace and harmony to clients and students. I know that by doing the work that I love, I am contributing in solving tiny pieces of karmic puzzles of humanity. This has always been  the major motivation for my work. I become a Buddha body in my one place.

What about you? What are the tiny good things you do in the corner of your cosmos? No one is ever that insignificant that they feel they cannot contribute anything. Even the chirping birds in my garden have a role to play. Their songs cheer me up every day. They are Buddha bodies in my garden.

Yes, the modern world is full of challenges; from environmental problems, to economic instability, to threats of terrorism. It feels extremely overwhelming and exhausting to ordinary people like us. But are we truly that ordinary? The Ven Thich Nhat Hanh said we are not so ordinary after all. Everyone of us holds a key in solving a piece of the grand puzzle of humanity. All of us are able to do one tiny good thing in our corner of the world. Collectively, we become Buddha bodies in our one special place.

Here is a poem I wrote after being inspired by Mr Goh's photo:

"Reeds, Bird and Water
A chance encounter on a clear, crispy day.
Each brings their unique presence
to this brief moment of stillness.
A breath of silence
turns into exquisite timelessness."
- Khema Yen, 5 June 2017

Just like the reeds, the bird and water, we are unique individuals. May our presence co-creates goodness in the world.

I wish you deep peace and happiness.

(This quote by Ven Thich Nhat Hanh appeared in my facebook newsfeed and I felt the connection between Mr Goh's photo and the meaningful words. So, I wrote down my thoughts here, plus a poem too. Thank you Mr Goh Keat Soon!)