Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Seeds of Destruction and Resurrection

"Four Great Seeds
Each planted at Four Great Directions
- North, South, East, West
These seeds are not nicey-nice;
they are not softy-soft;
nor are they sweety-sweet.
They are not here to make one comfortable.
They're planted...
Oh! To Destroy!
To Destroy the old and familiar
To Destroy the what's-not-working
To Destroy the no longer functioning
out-dated beliefs
Their fire of destruction
burns at all four directions
Destroying everything in their way.
Merciless, they are.
Out of the Destruction
Leaves and Grass come sprouting out
New Life Begins"
- Khema Yen, 16 July 2016

If you feel like your life is being destroyed or turned upside down now, know that a new life awaits you. Just hang in there. Peace and Blessings to you.

(The mandala above is titled, "Seeds of Destruction and Resurrection")