Monday, September 25, 2017

The Path of Beauty for Malaysians

Malaysians celebrated Independence Day on 31 August, and Malaysia Day on 16 September. Out of curiosity, I thought of drawing some cards for Malaysia. I chose the Path Of Beauty layout - to see how we are walking along this Beauty Way, and where we are heading. The cards were drawn from Jamie Sams's Sacred Path Cards, and Animal Medicine Cards decks. I must say, the results surprised me.

They said, "Despite the despair and negativities that you see in your country, Malaysia is already on the path towards expansion. Let go of negative opinions and judgments, and learn to come together and integrate your collective strengths and gifts from all your different cultures. Do not jump to conclusions based on  public opinions. Activate the Storyteller in you that tells the story of aliveness; of richness; stories of harmony, appreciation, and integration of your unique diverse cultures.

Next, come back to your Roots! You are the people of the mighty Rainforest! Whether you are the indigenous here, or Malays, or Chinese or Indians, etc, as long as you are born here, you are of the people of the Rainforest. Come back to stand tall and strong once more. Throughout these years, Malaysians have been hit by many events that collectively corroded your sense of self esteem. So, remember your roots, people of the Rainforest.

What's in the Rainforest? Trees, rich with diversity, standing tall and strong; a forest brimming with life; generously providing oxygen to the world. Like the Rainforest, you are people with open hearts, generous of spirit, yet strong like protective warriors. It's now time to remember this, and to reawaken this ancestral memories of strength, kindness and generosity to everyone.

Ultimately, the path leads you to the Whirling Rainbow, a symbol of unity and wholeness. To get to this stage, there's a medicine you need to embrace, and that is the medicine of the Blue Heron. Blue Heron is dropping his blue feather to you, urging you to develop your self-reflective skills to see which part of you lives in separation, instead of wholeness. Which part of you choose to live in isolation? Is there a racist in you? Where have you been too quick to judge? What are being mirrored to you? Dive into the watery world of feelings to see the truth of the Whirling Rainbow."

So said the cards.

Before I come to a close, let's visualize the Whirling Rainbow encircling the whole of Malaysia, clearing away all despair and negativity; clearing away all disharmony. Imagine the Whirling Rainbow sweeping away all toxic psychic debris out from our country and disintegrating into Light. While we are doing this, we recite the Ho'oponopono prayer: I'm Sorry; Please Forgive Me; I Love You; Thank You.

We give thanks to the Whirling Rainbow. We give thanks to our beautiful country, Malaysia. I love you. Thank you.

And so it is.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Unicorn Magic for the Rohingyas

Since last week, my facebook newsfeed and whatsapp group messages have been filled with news and stories about the rohingya crisis in Myanmar. I received all kinds of news from various sources, making it hard to differentiate which ones were fake, which were real. Meanwhile, the truth lies somewhere in between.

I was very disturbed and shocked by what I saw and read, but, I was even more shocked and disturbed by the reactions and response from friends who shared those news. To me, the violence that was inflicted upon the rohingyas reflected the darkest aspects of the psyche of the Burmese people! I reached out to my deck of Doreen Virtue's Magical Unicorns cards. I felt I needed the Unicorn's pure Light to shine on this darkness that is spilling out from Myanmar into other Asean countries.

The unicorns did not mince words. They were absolutely clear and precise with what they wanted to say.

"Stand for Truth!", they said. "Whatever news you hear, from wherever their source were from, the truth is, violence have been inflicted on this group of people. Stand for Truth and Justice!

Shine Light on yourself, and everyone who is involved in this situation - both the victims and the perpetrators. Imagine this bright Ray of Light embracing everyone.

Bring Love to the situation. The power of Love heals the fear that lies at the heart of both victims and perpetrators. Allow Light and Love to permeate through the darkness of this crisis."

I immediately set to work. I no longer get myself pulled into discussions of the history of the rohingyas, their origins, the Myanmar militants, the lack of concrete solutions from Aung San Suu Kyi, etc. I just stand for Truth and Justice. I radiate Light, and Love to the darkness I find within myself, and to the whole situation.

Please join me in engulfing Light and Love to the rohingyas crisis. I love the image of the unicorn card above. It is a Ho'oponopono clearing tool! ( I just discovered this as I was working on this issue.) Imagine the golden Light from this unicorn permeating into every cell and every pore of your tissues and all over your auric field, and say: I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. Continue doing this until you feel the love, the peace, and the stability of mind and spirit washing over you.

Let's collectively clear the rohingyas crisis together with Love and Light.

The Unicorns have given their magic. It is done. Thank you. I love you.

And so it is.