Saturday, December 31, 2016

Oracle Reading for 1 Jan 2017

This card jumped up immediately as I was shuffling the cards. It's the Welsh goddess Rhiannon reminding us to make clear intentions for the new year. And, when we are clear with what we want, we can bring them out into the world.

So, get those pieces of papers and start writing your intentions down. You can also draw out images that symbolize your intentions. What do you want to bring out in 2017? What are your dreams and aspirations for this new year? Numerogically, 2017 is a year of new beginnings. What new beginnings do you want to create? Focus on making clear decisions and act on them.

Remember this magical reassurance from Rhiannon: You are a magical person who can manifest your clear intentions into reality". What a great start for a new year! Thank you Rhiannon.

Happy New 2017 everyone!

(The card above is picked from Doreen Virtue's Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards deck)

Friday, December 23, 2016

Oracle readings for Christmas

It's winter time, with Christmas Day just around the corner. We have a pretty female gnome skating gracefully on a frozen lake, making a figure 8 as she skates.

The figure 8 is a symbol of infinity. Here it represents the infinite potential of a human being. 8 is a also a number of manifestation. This card reminds us that practice makes perfect in manifesting the great potential that each of us have. Focus and practise whatever skills and creative talents we have, so that we fully manifest our gifts to the world.

Merry Christmas everyone!

(The card above is picked from the Inner Child Cards - A Fairy Tale Tarot by Isha Lerner and Mark Lerner)

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Here is "An Offering of A Heart, from Fairy Godgrandma".

I wanted to draw a cute, sweet, young Christmas Fairy, but what turned up was this Fairy Godgrandma instead. She is the type of fairy godgrandma that if she says, eat your vegetables, you had better eat them or else she'll zap your buttocks!

Fairy Godgrandma also told me that Cinderella was fortunate that it was her Fairy Godmother that came and gave her those glass slippers and other gifts. If she were the one who came to help Cinderella, she would had turned Cinderella's skin to prunes for losing a glass slipper and for being late!

So, here she is, offering a heart to you. Please accept her kind gift, and use it wisely, lovingly and joyfully, or else! Hmm... I cannot imagine what this little Fairy Godgrandma would do.

Merry Christmas from me, and Fairy Godgrandma!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Oracle Readings (13 Dec 2016)

Today is Super Full Moon day; the third, and last of the Super Full Moons triad that started from the month of October. Two cards popped out for today. The first, is Archangel Raguel, telling is that everything is in Divine Order; and the second card is about Archangel Jeremiel, telling us, All Is Well.

Both cards carry the same theme, and that is, things may look challenging, difficult and painful but that's merely on the surface. Deeper forces are at work, and everything is how it needs to be right now; happening exactly as it supposed to be. These cards inform us that there are hidden blessings from these challenges and difficult times.

If you're in a painful space right now, look beyond whatever that is happening. Allow the powerful Super Moon energy of today to help you to let go, and move into a loving space. 2016 is a year of completion. Is there something you need to bring into completion and move towards the new in 2017? Today is a good day to do it.

So, rest assured: Everything is on divine order, and all is well. Super Full Moon blessings to you.

(These two cards were picked from Doreen Virtue's Archangel Oracle Cards)

Monday, December 5, 2016

The Love Fairy

"These days...
When Heart is so wounded and shriveled
from faded dreams
from broken relationships
from scheming, corrupt politicians
from fanatic haters
from age-old racism
from wars
from all the Insanity of Humanity!

These days...
Look for The Love Fairy
She's here...
At the center of Heart's space.
Brush away the veil that hides her.
Wake her up!

The Love Fairy
Her magic
mends Heart
sings to Heart
makes Heart bloom
Feeds Heart with hope and happiness.

Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!
Oh! Oh! Oh!
Boom! Boom! Boom!
And Heart becomes Whole again"
- 3 November 2016

The name of the mandala above is called The Love Fairy. Drawing and colouring it, and writing down the poem helped me to heal my own heart, after seeing and reading about the insanity of humanity these days.

May you find a way to heal your heart too.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Oracle Reading (5 Dec 2016)

There's so much happening these days, and the collective world energy seems erratic and unsettling. So, it is interesting that Diana came up to say: Focus On Your Intentions.

For those who are easily distracted (me, for example) by what's happening around us, this card reminds us to keep our intentions and goals in our minds and focused on our targets. Only then we will achieve what we intend to do.

So, make your intentions, hold them steady, stay focus on your target and you will make your mark.

(The card above is picked from Doreen Virtue's Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards deck)

Saturday, December 3, 2016

I Decided To Be Happy Again

Recently, I made a most important decision. I decided to be happy.

I decided to be happy despite friends telling me that they don't believe in me. They either tell this straight at my face, or at the back of me, or through body language.

I decided to be happy despite seeing all those negativity from the newspapers and facebook feeds.

I decided to be happy despite feeling fed up with what's happening in the world.

I decided to be happy despite getting no support from so-call friends.

I decided to be happy despite being betrayed by so-called trustworthy people.

I decided to be happy despite not being fantastically rich.

I decided to be happy despite being viewed as an outcast by my community of friends and family.

I decided to be happy despite being born wih health challenges and with daily chronic pain.

I decided to be happy despite so-called experts telling me I am doomed if I did not invest in this or that.

I decided to be happy despite making numerous wrong financial investments in the past. I've learnt my costly lessons now.

I decided to be happy despite no chocolates, ice-creams, keropok or muruku in my house.

I decided to be happy despite the falling ringgit, and the actions of scheming, corrupted politicians, haters and racists, that are now having a field day in my country.

I decided to be happy. Period.

Once I made this most important decision, the Universe opens up and pours so much abundance of positivities in my life. I got the support I need, I receive love and support from true friends, and now, even my facebook newsfeeds are full of positive posts. The people I interect with are highly positive too. And I know more good things are coming. They are coming!

So, made this simple, yet life changing decision today: choose to be happy.

(Interestingly, after I made this decision, I saw the image above in my facebook newsfeed. Power of sychronicity at work here. Thank you Universe! I love you!)

Monday, November 28, 2016

Oracle Readings for 29 November 2016

It's New Moon today, and traditionally, new moons symbolize a start of new beginnings. And whoa! What a new journey we, collectively, are going now - 8 of Swords.

8 of Swords appears when one is facing challenging, and difficult times in our life. The card's presence is to inform you that there is no way out except to take this journey to the deep caverns of your mind. This journey is a sacred journey into unknown territories, going through the cobwebs that you have created throughout your lifetime. It's deep and dark, but it's a cavern that you must enter for transformation to happen.

This is a time to acknowledge, and feel that deep inner pain. Cry if you need to. Courageously, face your fears, and belief systems that no longer is true for you. Let them go. Practice lots of forgiveness for the past histories, and allow love and compassion to wash all over you.

The cards have spoken. You have all been initiated into a sacred journey by today's New Moon. Know that there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

(This card is picked from the Inner Child Cards deck, created by Isha Lerner and Mark Lerner, with illustrations by Christopher Guilfod. It's a deck that I often use in my healing sessions with clients.)

Friday, November 25, 2016

Oracle Readings for 26 November 2016

What a wonderful start to this weekend! This unicorn appeared outside your window, to say, "There's a Happy Surprise awaiting you. Something very good is about to happen!" Isn't this exciting? How I love happy surprises!

And, just like a surprise birthday present, let go of any expectations of what this gift is all about. Instead, look out for the many blessings you receive this weekend. Just trust that good things or good news are on its way.

So, think happy thoughts, allow and receive these magical unicorn blessings, and say, "Thank you! I love you!"

Have a happy weekend!

(The Happy Surprise card is picked from Doreen Virtue's Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards deck)

Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Essence Is At Ease

"Walking is Zen,
Sitting is Zen.
Talking or silent,
Moving, unmoving,
The essence is at ease"
- Osho

What a lovely and meaningful poem! During these turbulent times, all of us have to remind ourselves this: The essence is at ease.

Despite whatever that is happening outside, whatever actions we are doing, whatever stress that we are facing or whatever ugliness of the world is being displayed in front of us, at our deepest core, there is stillness. There we are centered, calm and at ease.

Let's return to our essence.

(I saw the photo above in one of my fb feeds and connected it with Osho's poem. This photo gave me a sense of ease. I don't know who is the photographer though)

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Oracle Card Readings for 23 November 2016

It's the middle of the week and whoa! what a lot has happened since the last time I drew a card. The frustrations and anger seemed to have escalated this week.

This card, with a timely message from Archangel Raphael, said, we need to refocus back onto our own personal health. It means to take care of our own health despite all the confusion and chaos that is happening outside.

Because, what good does it do to your immediate family and community of friends if you neglect your own health? And here, health is not just physical, but mental, emotional and spiritual health as well.

Hence, let's choose healthy lifestyle. Eat a healthy diet, get adequate sleep, exercise and stretch those muscles, smile and laugh often, reconnect with Mother Nature, and think positively.

Stay healthy, everyone.

(The card above is picked from Doreen Virtue's Archangel Oracle Cards deck)

Monday, November 21, 2016

Am I Able To Draw A Mandala?

Two questions that I am frequently asked are:
1. I cannot draw. Am I able to create a mandala?
2. I cannot draw. Can I attend your Mandala Journeying workshop?

The answer is a "Yes" to both questions. Because creating a mandala is not about drawing but more on focusing and centering yourself to express your inner stories, and Light within. This is how I draw my mandalas, and this is what I teach to my students.

I, myself, is not a professional artist. In fact, before I started my mandala journey, I had never considered myself an artist, nor had I thought I would be able to draw anything.

I started by knowing I could draw a circle, and I could center myself enough such that I was able to express whatever colours and forms that I was drawn to, inside the circle. That was my first step of my mandala journey.

Until today, I am still going along this journey, drawing and teaching along the way. Throughout these few years, I discovered so much about myself - my strengths and my weaknesses  and the rich stories of my inner self. Many times, my drawings provided an outlet for my Inner Child to express herself. And, I discovered I can draw a decent mandala after all.

I encourage students to draw whenever possible. There's always something to discover, and uncover. Something changes within every time a mandala is created. When the inner vibration changes, the outer vibration changes as well.

So, I repeat: Everyone can draw a mandala. And if you think you are not the artistic type, do attend my 2-day Mandala Journeying workshop. I'll help you discover that hidden, shy artist inside you.

Everyone can draw a mandala!

(The two mandalas above were drawn on 19 November 2016. It was a day of Bersih 5, and I decided to sit down, center myself and created two mandalas by just using white colour pencils on black paper)

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Oracle Readings for 18 - 20 November 2016

This weekend is bursting with political movements in Malaysia. So, I thought of picking a card to see what holds for this weekend. The card "Awareness" flew out with great intensity while I was shuffling the deck! It is going to be an energetic weekend in Malaysia.

This card is about burning through the veils of illusions to see what is really inside us - a Little Buddha. This fire is not the fire of burning passion and desire, but a cool flame of pure awareness. It is Awareness that burns through the illusions of reality to reveal the truth of what lies within.

This weekend, spent some time dropping away the noise and confusion and allow your awareness of who you are comes through to you. Allow the cool flame of awareness to reveal the Buddha-nature that has always been there inside us. Understand that everyone is a spark of Divinity inside, despite outer appearances. Let go of judgements to see the goodness that is inside each and everyone of us.

For those who are participating in the political rallies tomorrow, this card is also cautioning you to stay calm, with full awareness of the situation, and to carry that peace and serenity with you, even though the hot, fiery passion of the rally is all around you. This card may also mean that the truth of the matter will finally be revealed.

Awareness is the essence of the message for weekend.

(This card is drawn from the Osho Zen Tarot deck. This is one of my favorite deck of tarot cards and I've used it for more than 10 years. It is also a deck that I frequently use with clients)

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A Most Sinister Butterfly

Once upon a time,
while flirting with colourful dreams,
a most sinister, pompous butterfly
fluttered up my nose.
"Go away, you nasty, annoying butterfly,"
said I, swatting him with my hands
I swatted him right,
I swatted him left.
But he didn't want to go away!
he gave me a most wicked grin,
and peered straight into my eyes, and said,
"I certainly am not going away.
I'll stay right here,
in front of you;
my presence annoying you,
torturing you.
My wings,
flapping and fluttering,
creating ripples all around you,
and all over you;
making you dizzy
and spinning with angst.

Pay attention Little One!
Do not fear me.
Do not hate me.
Do not call me names,
What you see in me,
you see in yourself.
For I am Butterfly,
and I come to usher you
Great Change.
I am a gift from Great Spirit,
whose ways are unknown to humankind
Learn from my people,
and change from the inside.
For this is the Wisdom of the Butterflies."

By Golly!!!
I don't find him sinister and pompous anymore.
He has turned into
a most cheeky and charming butterfly!
I stop chasing those flirty dreams.
- Khema Yen, 14 November 2016, Full Moon in Taurus (Super Full Moon)

(The mandala above is titled, "A Most Sinister Butterfly")

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Oracle Readings for 14 November (Super, Super Full Moon Day!)

Today is a Super Full Moon day; the biggest full moon in 68 years. For this special day, I've drawn a card from the Inner Child Cards deck, and the Five of Wands came up. And what a beautiful message for the Super  Moon too!

The fairy in the card is the Roman Goddess Flora, and she represents all that flowers and blooms. Legends said she has the magical powers of procreation and self-fertilization.

In this card, Flora is seen opening the last petal of a 5-pointed flower. 5 is the number for change, and together with the symbol of the flower, this card carries the message of a change towards opening and blossoming of our highest potential within.

Therefore, expand and unfurl your gifts that lies inside you. Allow yourself to flourish! Let your creative juice flow! Draw or paint a mandala!

In summary, allow yourself to blossom and flourish, just like this 5-pointed yellow flower. Shine like the Super Duper Full Moon today!

What a beautiful message for this Super Full Moon. Thank you.

(The card above is picked from the Inner Child Cards, A Fairy Tale Tarot deck. This deck is created by Isha Lerner and Mark Lerner, with illustrations by Christopher Guifoil. It's one of my favourite decks and I use it often during my Cellular ReOrientation sessions with clients.)


One of the wonders I saw this morning at Taman Tun park: on the right is the zumba group (with loud zumba music), and on the left is the qi gong group (with quiet qi gong music). At the background is a huge stretch of mighty, silent rainforest trees. 

All life coexist together - the loud, the fast, the quiet, the slow, the silent and the still. 

Let's embrace and appreciate the diversities of life. 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Oracle reading for 11.11.16

Today is an 11.11 day. And Sulis came up as a guidance to ask us to connect with water today, to allow the blessings of water to heal you.

You can take a walk near a lake or a pond or river or even a visit to the beach. If possible, dip into the waters or if not, just breathe in their vibrations and allow your cells to rejuvenate. Perhaps there is a message the waters want to convey to you? Listen, and pay attention.

This card could also mean, you need to drink more water. Perhaps you are dehydrated but you're not aware if it?

When this card comes up, it usually means we are tired and need the blessings of water to rejuvenate us again. So, use any ways to connect with water today, including something like soaking your feet into sea salt for a few minutes or yes, drink more water.

Blessings and deep appreciation to all the waters in the world.

(This is a card from Doreen Virtue's Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards deck. Sulis is a Celtic goddess who oversees bodies of water associated with healing. It's so appropriate that she appeared because there are lots of uncertainties around the world now after the US presidential elections.)

Monday, November 7, 2016

Bread Dharma


Life is like this. We put in the right ingredients, in the right proportions, give it a good knead, then we wait; and allow Nature takes it's course. 

Now, while waiting, I am going to do some vegetables. Waiting is good. Later, I am going to punch this dough. In life, we also need to punch a little.

And then, I bake this dough, putting fire into it, for everything to come together. Life is like baking bread.

Bread Dharma 😃

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

I am Home

I walk slowly;
no need to rush.
I breathe calmly;
no need to hurry.
I turned on a Dan Gibson,
chose La Nature du Quebec,
always a favourite.
I chop some cabbage leaves,
Peel strands of free beans,
Prepare jugs of drinking water,
Munch on sunflower seeds.
I pause....
I feel at peace.
I am Home.
- Khema Yen, 21 Oct 2016

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Engaging With Stories In The Chakras

September 2016 was a hugely intense month for me and I went through a period of great physical pain which until today, am still recovering from it.

But out of this fire of intensity, I created one of my most interesting work: engaging with the stories in the chakra system, and gaining insight into how these unconscious stories affect our lives. And most importantly, how to heal these stories, chakra by chakra, and as a whole. 

These unconscious stories serve as emotional drivers that drives our thoughts, actions and behaviours and they attract the type of life we are living now. These are also stories inside our Akash. So, we are not just working on the chakras but also at the Akash level as well.

If anyone wants to have a consultation and energy healing session with me regarding the healing of your chakras and Akash, you're welcome to contact me at 012-3518079.

Thank you.

(The mandala above is called "Opening Your Heart to Love". It's about opening, soothing and healing the Heart Chakra.)

Monday, October 3, 2016

The Way Of The Tao

"Open up to Love,
Open up to Grace,
Take a Bow,
This is the way of the Tao"
- Khema Yen, 3 Oct 2016.

This wonderful little poem came to me instantanously while I was working on a client's brain this afternoon.

I love you. Thank you.

(The image of the yellow lotus above is taken by me at Taman Rimba Kiara, Kuala Lumpur)

Monday, September 26, 2016

The Woman Sleeps With Death

It is quiet.
The woman sleeps with Death.
Her eyes closed;
her lips shut;
her breath silent;
her body...still.
Legend says she is cursed;
Some say,
   she sleeps for a 100 years
Or a century
Or centuries upon centuries.

Something stirs.
Twin Dolphins jump.
"What is it?", they asked
It is a sign
   of the Going of an End,
   and a Coming of a Beginning.
Such is Death;
Such is Life.
Coming and Going
   and Coming again.
In and Out
   and In again.
Meeting each other,
Dancing together.
A Play throughout Universes.

Lady Moon shines a little
And the woman sleeps.
But not for long...
Not for long.
- Khema Yen, 23 Sept 2016 - a day after the Autumn Equinox of 2016 (22 Sept 2016)

(The mandala above is titled The Woman Sleeps With Death)

A Globe of Red and Blue

A Globe of Red and Blue
Fell onto the Ocean Floor.
Down, she fell.
She thought,
  she was going to drown.
She thought,
  she was going to be cracked open,
  and die.
She thought,
  she was dying,
  a long, slow, lonely, watery Death.
She thought.

But then,
  she fell and landed
on soft, nurturing
Old Green Seaweed.
Old Green Seaweed opened his arms wide.
   Little Globe of Red and Blue.
"You're safe, Little One.
My arms will carry you;
My arms will hold you."
said the Old One with his deep, rich, ancient voice.

A school of Yellow Fishes came swimming by
All of them,
friends of Old Green Seaweed.
"Why, Old Green Seaweed,
You have a new friend today.
She looks kind of sad and desolate.
Let's check her out!",
said the more curious ones.

And before you know it!
Before Globe of Red and Blue could do anything!
Before she could even protest!
These Curious Yellow Fishes
   swam right into the Globe!

the Red and the Blue,
such that Red and Blue
   became One.
The Globe of Red and Blue
    was no more.
She has become
   the Globe of Purple.
- Khema Yen, 15 Sept 2016 (Full Moon in Pisces, Mid-Autumn Festival of 2016)

(The mandala above is titled, The Globe of Red and Blue)

Testimonials for Mandala Journeying

"I had fun learning how colours hold different meaning for different individuals. During class, Khema Yen guided me to break through a struggle I was facing while drawing a mandala. I saw with my own eyes how my mandala transformed after the breakthrough" - Catherine

"I have completed my first mandala art, and it ended in tears. With Khema Yen"s confidence and guidance, I benefited a lot from the class. I experienced the focus attention from her and her spiritual guidance. Mandala is widely recognized as the great source of reflection on the soul and brings balance to our life" - Agnes

"I am very grateful that I have the chance to attend the Mandala Journeying workshop. The immediate effect is, I can now associate well with a colour that I did not like since young - red. I felt a release each time I complete a mandala; it is like loosening a knot that had tied up so long within myself. I will keep drawing mandala as it gives me very positive energy" - Wee Sze

"With her generous spirit and passion for mandala work, Khema Yen makes Mandala Journeying an enjoyable, educational and insightful experience. I now find it more meaningful when drawing, colouring and reflecting upon a mandala. This workshop is highly recommended for anyone who is interested in using mandalas in their inner work towards self-liberation." - Sharon

"This would be the workshop for you if you are looking for some quality quiet time whilst learning mandala drawing techniques from a teacher who is Patience personified, brimming with enthusiasm, and willing to share her knowledge un-stingyly." - Liz

(The mandala above is called "The Joys of Falling In Love". I drew this mandala as a gift to a friend whose mum was bedridden with last stage of cancer. She passed away not long after receiving my gift.)

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Mandala Journeying: Engaging the Unconscious Through Colours and Forms

Mandala Journeying is not your typical art class. Mandala Journeying is a 2-day workshop that I teach to help students to engage with their unconscious through mandala art. It is now a known fact, that our unconscious rules most of our behaviours. Thus, by engaging with our unconscious, we bring our patterns out into the open, so that we can understand, and if needed, change them. I help my students to heal these unconscious patterns through Mandala Journeying.

Firstly, what is a mandala? Mandala is a Sanskrit word for circle. It is a spiritual art form that has been used since ancient times, throughout the world, as a tool for spiritual growth, creativity, and mental and emotional healing.

Throughout these 2 days, students learn to:
  • understand their relationship with colours and forms
  • use different approaches in drawing a mandala
  • gain insight into their unconscious self
  • access their innate healing and creative capabilities
  • creative dialogue with the colours and images of their mandalas 
  • develop a loving relationship with themselves, and thus, with others
  • gain insights into the various stages of Life through their mandala drawings.
  • develop a sense of wholeness and centeredness through mandalas
  • reconnect with the mystery of Life and the Divine.
As you can observe, it is an intensive workshop of journeying into ourselves through mandalas. There are lots of Aha! moments, with lots of letting go and healing during these 2 days.

Everyone can create a mandala; the archetypal pattern of a circle is universal and not restricted to any particular religion or even artistic talents, And when one draws a mandala, you heal yourself, and the world around you.

If you are interested to join the workshop, please email me at Below are some testimonials from my students.

Testimonials for Mandala Journeying
"I had fun learning how colours hold different meaning for different individuals. During class, Khema Yen guided me to break through a struggle I was facing while drawing a mandala. I saw with my own eyes how my mandala transformed after the breakthrough" - Catherine

"I have completed my first mandala art, and it ended in tears. With Khema Yen"s confidence and guidance, I benefited a lot from the class. I experienced the focus attention from her and her spiritual guidance. Mandala is widely recognized as the great source of reflection on the soul and brings balance to our life" - Agnes

"I am very grateful that I have the chance to attend the Mandala Journeying workshop. The immediate effect is, I can now associate well with a colour that I did not like since young - red. I felt a release each time I complete a mandala; it is like loosening a knot that had tied up so long within myself. I will keep drawing mandala as it gives me very positive energy" - Wee Sze

"With her generous spirit and passion for mandala work, Khema Yen makes Mandala Journeying an enjoyable, educational and insightful experience. I now find it more meaningful when drawing, colouring and reflecting upon a mandala. This workshop is highly recommended for anyone who is interested in using mandalas in their inner work towards self-liberation." - Sharon

"This would be the workshop for you if you are looking for some quality quiet time whilst learning mandala drawing techniques from a teacher who is Patience personified, brimming with enthusiasm, and willing to share her knowledge un-stingyly." - Liz

(The mandala above is titled "3 Gazing Dolphins/The Ballerina". Can you spot the ballerina in the mandala?)

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Seeds of Destruction and Resurrection

"Four Great Seeds
Each planted at Four Great Directions
- North, South, East, West
These seeds are not nicey-nice;
they are not softy-soft;
nor are they sweety-sweet.
They are not here to make one comfortable.
They're planted...
Oh! To Destroy!
To Destroy the old and familiar
To Destroy the what's-not-working
To Destroy the no longer functioning
out-dated beliefs
Their fire of destruction
burns at all four directions
Destroying everything in their way.
Merciless, they are.
Out of the Destruction
Leaves and Grass come sprouting out
New Life Begins"
- Khema Yen, 16 July 2016

If you feel like your life is being destroyed or turned upside down now, know that a new life awaits you. Just hang in there. Peace and Blessings to you.

(The mandala above is titled, "Seeds of Destruction and Resurrection")

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Strands and String....Metamorphosis

"These are times
 of Great Turmoil
 of Great Change
We can change the madness
by changing ourselves.
Because we are Strands
Because we are Strings
Strands and Strings
- Khema Yen, 1 July 2016

(The top mandala is titled "Strands and Strings (Part 2)/Metamorphosis", and the bottom mandala is titled "Strands and Strings (Part 1)/Genesis")

Monday, June 6, 2016

When A Mum Heals Herself

Two weeks ago, I treated Mei (not her real name), a client with great mental, emotional disturbances, so much so, that she had to temporarily stop her work. After the session, she got up, feeling fully refreshed, and started answering phone calls by her team mates, helping them solve their work problems.

Mei turned to me and said, "I can start work now. Before this, I froze whenever clients and colleagues called me up. I just did not know how to respond to them. Now I can. I am functioning in the world now."

A few days later Mei told me that her children are now much happier too. And that when her daughter was crying due to relationship problems with her friends, Mei was able to have the clarity and wisdom of mind for her to guide her emotional daughter. She said, "I gave her some seeds to plant in the garden. This not only calmed my daughter, but made her so happy that she requested for more seeds to plant. This ability to respond to my daughter is new to be. If I was the old me, I would have dismissed my daughter, and even gave her a scolding. But now, I know how to respond to her."

Mei gave me permission to share her story because she felt that all mothers need to know this: when a mother heals herself, the world around them heals too. Especially her children.

Thank you Mei, for sharing your story.

(The two mandalas above were drawn by Mei as she worked through her life challenges. The first mandala was drawn before the session, and the second, after the session.)

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Tofu Brain

When one's brain becomes tofu, you just can't do anything much. Whatever you write becomes bland and white-ish and if you were to try to read a book, you'll read the same paragraph over and over again without understanding much of what you've read. You might try going for facebook, yet all you see are blur-ish posts and your fingers are just scrolling along mindlessly.

Because with a tofu brain, the brain feels heavy, bland, mooshi-whooshi; the silken type. There's nothing I can do, really. So, I sleep. Tofu brain likes this. I fell asleep immediately my head touches the pillow.

I sleep through the sound of husband tipp-tapping on his keyboard.
I sleep through the noise of dripping waters in the kitchen as my cleaner cleans the sink.
I sleep through an orchestra of barking dogs.
I sleep through the choir of neighbours shouting at their dogs.
I sleep through gates opening.
I sleep through gates closing.
A neighbour drives his or her car into the driveway. Which neighbour? Who cares? I sleep through this too.

DING DONG! I woke up. Someone presses the doorbell. It is my son, back from school. I am awake now. I put away the blanket and pillow, have some cookies and juice with son, and start to write.

Brain is back to normal.

Monday, May 23, 2016

This Wesak, I Have Flowers

On Wesak Day night, I sat down and wrote this little poem:

This Wesak,
I have flowers.
Burst of yellow, white, magenta
Chrysanthemum flowers.
I placed them on three small Ikea vases
And offer them
to Buddha
to Hope
to Love
to Joy
to Happiness
to Simplicity
to Loveliness
to Myself, also.
They beautify my life
And I appreciate their beauty.
Their mission fulfilled.
My mission fulfilled.
This Wesak,
I have flowers.
- Khema Yen, Wesak Day, 21 May 2016

Friday, April 22, 2016

Full Moon in Scorpio

Completed this mandala on full moon night, and titled, "Full Moon in Scorpio". It comes with a poem:

Full Moon in Scorpio
Her magic rays fall onto Mother Earth's ocean
Turning into Golden Ocean Womb
Falling...falling...deep onto Mr Whale

All is silent
As the Full Moon pours
As the Ocean Womb fills
As Mr Whale receives

Mr Whale goes deep
He swims silently
He is keeping his secrets
He is not telling...yet
No...not yet.

Full Moon in Scorpio
Blessed be,
Blessed be.
- Khema Yen, 22 April 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Let's Go Home

I am inspired by Dr Hew Len's Ho'oponopono work. Out of that inspiration, a poem popped out:

I've gone in
I've been inside
I travel there, 
...and back

For Zero is Home

These are words to describe Home.

Let's go back to Zero;
to The Void;
to Emptiness

Shh... Silence
Let's Go Home

- Khema-Yen, 14 April 2016

(I drew this mandala, titled " Golden Lotus Suspended in The Void" on 1 March 2015. I thought this image represents this poem well.)

Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Divine Feminine

"Dancing with Life,
Dancing with Grace,
Moving with the Rhythm of the Universe,
This is the Way of The Divine Feminine."
The poem above came up spontaneously after I drew this mandala. It is one of the most feminine feeling mandala that I've drawn so far. And also the only mandala which I used so much magenta on it; which is interesting because I am not a person who is drawn very much to the colour magenta. But, after this mandala, I have grown to love the colour!

The whole process of creating this mandala brought up feelings of sensuality, feminity and yes, very goddesses-like in me. Hence it's name: The Divine Feminine.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Soul Loss - What Is Soul Loss and How To Recognize It (Part 2)

The word "soul" may mean different things to different people. For me, soul means our vital essence; the part of us that is wise, connected to Source energy, connected to the Tao of Life itself; our soul is that invisible, intangible spiritual self.

So, when I speak of soul loss, I do not mean that we have totally lost our vital essence (although it sure feels like it). It just means that we have lost the connection with the wholeness of who we really are. When one is suffering with soul loss, their entire life feels fragmented, broken into pieces with many parts missing, and yes, lost.

How do we lose our soul? The ancient shamans and bomohs (Bahasa Malaysia word for spiritual healers) would say that the soul was stolen, or spirited away or frightened away by humans or supernatural forces. However, in my practice, soul loss in my clients are due to traumas such as abuse, loss of loved ones, surgery (both minor and major), accidents, illnesses, abortion, miscarriages and even chronic, prolonged day-to-day stress. Soul loss could also happen by witnessing violence either in real life or through the internet or tv. All this makes soul loss a common phenomenon, and an unrecognized epidemic that is infecting the whole world today.

"Soul loss can be observed today as a psychological phenomenon in the everyday lives of the human beings around us. Loss of soul appears in the form of sudden onset of apathy and listlessness; the joy has gone out of life, initiative is crippled, one feels empty, everything seems pointless"
- Marie Von Franz, Jungian psychoanalyst

Perhaps soul loss is the reason why we have so much addictions now. Addictions are not necessary drugs or alcohol. It can come in the form of chocolates, books, endless need to shop and shop and eat and eat, and social media like facebook. Do we need to constantly check our social media status every 1 minute?

Here comes that important question. How does one recognize soul loss? Going through these questions can be helpful:
  1. Do you have a difficult time being "here" in your body?
  2. Do you get sick easily and frequently?
  3. Do you suffer from chronic depression?
  4. Do you frequently feel numb, empty or a sense of being dead? And that life is meaningless?
  5. Is addictions (ex alcohol, food, drugs, sex, gambling, etc) an issue for you?
  6. Do you have a difficult time handling the stress of day-to-day living?
  7. Are you easily overwhelmed?
  8. Do you chronically feel weak and tired?
  9. Do you have difficulties moving on with your life after the death of a loved one; or a loss if a significant relationship in your life?
  10. Are you always ill as a child?
If you answer yes to many of these questions, you may be dealing with loss of the soul. That spark inside you may not be accessible to you, and there is a disconnection with Source, that vital, pure essence of who you really are.

One must seek help when there is a soul loss. Seek out professional therapists and healers who know of such things and who are able to bring those missing parts back. These are the healers who can help you reconnect to your vital essence so that you will be whole again. And the Tao of Life flows smooth and clear.

(The photo above is taken by Eng AH from his hotel room during his recent trip to Japan this winter. I chose this photo because when one is suffering from soul loss, it sure feels like winter time.) 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Lessons From The Silver Whales and An Oyster

We are almost done with the first month of 2016. And from the look of it, this year would be more challenging than 2015. Almost daily I received news of gloom and doom in the financial world, more terrorist attacks (with the latest Jakarta bombings, Malaysia is on high alert now - something unthinkable in my childhood days), political turmoil (local and abroad), and most recently, our Malaysian AG has cleared the PM of all wrongdoings - much to the anger and frustrations, and a sense of helplessness and hopelessness of majority of Malaysians.

This page is not meant to be a political page nor about the negative going-ons of the world. But I mentioned a little of politics, and these happennings due to what I want to share here; an insight I gained from my latest mandala.

Dear Malaysians, be like these two silver whales. Although things look dark and gloomy, we can still stay strong and balance like the whales, unperturbed with their long journey across the oceans; swimming across huge ocean floors with their family, courageously humming and singing their songs. 

Be like this oyster. Oyster's talent and skill is to turn sand into bright, shining, precious pearl. And oysters do this daily, despite whatever challenges in the ocean floor. They do it quietly, silently and with great resilience.

Hence, in 2016, we can be like these two silver whales, dreaming our dreams inside an oyster. And when we do that, our dreams will be sacred. They will be protected and guided by divine beings. Can you see the four Earth Angels surrounding the dream? Can you see the four Spirit Whales surrounding the silver whales? We must trust; we must dream; we must move towards our dream. It is sacred.

(The mandala above is titled, "The Dream of The Silver Whales Inside An Oyster" )

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Soul Loss - Is Anyone Home? (Part 1)

Today, I want to write about something not known in the culture and community of which I was brought up with - Soul Loss

I do not know how this lack of understanding came about in our modern living because the ancient healers and shamans of cultures throughout the world seemed to know about it. To them, one of the major causes of illnesses is soul loss.

Once a mother brought her daughter to me for treatment. This young girl went through a severe illness that almost killed her. Although she recovered from that illness, she never really got back her health. She was always sick in some ways. When I started working on her, I immediately knew that this young girl was suffering from soul loss. A major part of her were not here at all. 

I described her condition to her mother who refused to believe there's such a thing as soul loss. She left without bringing back her daughter for further treatments.

Since then, I've treated numerous similar cases. These clients had all kinds of difficulties handling the stress of life, with illnesses that kept coming back. What their doctors did not know was, these patients of theirs were suffering from soul loss, and unless the parts came back, the physical ailments would continue to increase!

So, the first thing I did in such cases were to bring these fragmented parts back. It works every time. Clients felt alive again; they felt "here"; and their physical and emotional pain subsided.

As an energy medicine practitioner, before I work on a client's physical condition, I always check for soul loss. Is the whole person here on my treatment table? Can she feel her whole body? Can she feel herself? Or are there any parts missing? If there are missing parts, then I get these parts back first. Then, and only then, do I work on the physical problems.

Souls wander the Universe
Lost or stolen
Cut off from loved ones
Split off from love
Gently, carefully
We call them back to us
Searching for them in dark corners
Blowing them to life
 with our breath
We welcome them home
- Ellen Jaffe Bitz

(This photo of low tide was taken outside a seafood restaurant in Pontian, Johor)

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Tao In Parent's Living Room

If there is a theme to describe the Dec 2016 holidays, it would be family time and bonding. Yes, throughout that holiday season, I restricted my time to pure family time.

So here I was, at my parent's living room with Baby Nephew. Brother just plonked his baby onto my lap, and so, I decided to give him a quick, impromptu craniosacral therapy session. Not an actual professional session of course, but good enough to get him nicely relaxed, comfortable and sleepy. Hahaha!

It was a special time for this therapist aunt, as baby and I bonded through pure presence and breathing belly to belly together. 

I shared these photos on my Facebook page and a few of my friends asked me how did I do that? What kind of work did I do to Baby Nephew such that he got so relaxed and comfortable? Did you massaged him? 

No, I did not massaged him. There's no massage in cranial work. Just very light, gentle touches, and hands that acts like ears; hands that listen to the bones, nerves, heart beat, breath beat and the flowing rivers within the human body. And just like a counselor that listens to a client's pain thus empowering her to change, so is a craniosacral therapist. We listen through our hands, bearing witness to our clients' sufferings, fully knowing that this will create tremendous change in our clients' health. And this is exactly what happens during a craniosacral session.

Anyway, here are photos of Aunt Therapist, Baby Nephew Client and Grandpa after the mini session.

Tao in my parent's living room.

Saturday, January 2, 2016


This is my last mandala for 2015, titled "Longings". It is also the first mandala that I drew which does not have a fixed top or bottom; meaning it can be viewed either with the red lotus at the bottom, or the blue one at the bottom.

" Longings" is about the longings and yearnings of the soul for union with the dualities of life; the longings and yearnings to be One; the longings and yearnings for true Home. All humans have these longings, whether we are conscious of it or not.

Yet, what's in the blue is always reaching out for the red, and what's in the red is always going for the blue. And such is this mysterious interplay of Life, against the backdrop of Sacred Emptiness.

This mandala is inspired by the work of Dr Clarissa Pinkola Estes, and Kyron, and the music of Robert Haig Coxon. Thank you teachers.

As we have just entered the portal into 2016, I would like to wish all readers a Happy New 2016. May our longings for Oneness and true Home be fulfilled!