Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Lessons From The Silver Whales and An Oyster

We are almost done with the first month of 2016. And from the look of it, this year would be more challenging than 2015. Almost daily I received news of gloom and doom in the financial world, more terrorist attacks (with the latest Jakarta bombings, Malaysia is on high alert now - something unthinkable in my childhood days), political turmoil (local and abroad), and most recently, our Malaysian AG has cleared the PM of all wrongdoings - much to the anger and frustrations, and a sense of helplessness and hopelessness of majority of Malaysians.

This page is not meant to be a political page nor about the negative going-ons of the world. But I mentioned a little of politics, and these happennings due to what I want to share here; an insight I gained from my latest mandala.

Dear Malaysians, be like these two silver whales. Although things look dark and gloomy, we can still stay strong and balance like the whales, unperturbed with their long journey across the oceans; swimming across huge ocean floors with their family, courageously humming and singing their songs. 

Be like this oyster. Oyster's talent and skill is to turn sand into bright, shining, precious pearl. And oysters do this daily, despite whatever challenges in the ocean floor. They do it quietly, silently and with great resilience.

Hence, in 2016, we can be like these two silver whales, dreaming our dreams inside an oyster. And when we do that, our dreams will be sacred. They will be protected and guided by divine beings. Can you see the four Earth Angels surrounding the dream? Can you see the four Spirit Whales surrounding the silver whales? We must trust; we must dream; we must move towards our dream. It is sacred.

(The mandala above is titled, "The Dream of The Silver Whales Inside An Oyster" )

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Soul Loss - Is Anyone Home? (Part 1)

Today, I want to write about something not known in the culture and community of which I was brought up with - Soul Loss

I do not know how this lack of understanding came about in our modern living because the ancient healers and shamans of cultures throughout the world seemed to know about it. To them, one of the major causes of illnesses is soul loss.

Once a mother brought her daughter to me for treatment. This young girl went through a severe illness that almost killed her. Although she recovered from that illness, she never really got back her health. She was always sick in some ways. When I started working on her, I immediately knew that this young girl was suffering from soul loss. A major part of her were not here at all. 

I described her condition to her mother who refused to believe there's such a thing as soul loss. She left without bringing back her daughter for further treatments.

Since then, I've treated numerous similar cases. These clients had all kinds of difficulties handling the stress of life, with illnesses that kept coming back. What their doctors did not know was, these patients of theirs were suffering from soul loss, and unless the parts came back, the physical ailments would continue to increase!

So, the first thing I did in such cases were to bring these fragmented parts back. It works every time. Clients felt alive again; they felt "here"; and their physical and emotional pain subsided.

As an energy medicine practitioner, before I work on a client's physical condition, I always check for soul loss. Is the whole person here on my treatment table? Can she feel her whole body? Can she feel herself? Or are there any parts missing? If there are missing parts, then I get these parts back first. Then, and only then, do I work on the physical problems.

Souls wander the Universe
Lost or stolen
Cut off from loved ones
Split off from love
Gently, carefully
We call them back to us
Searching for them in dark corners
Blowing them to life
 with our breath
We welcome them home
- Ellen Jaffe Bitz

(This photo of low tide was taken outside a seafood restaurant in Pontian, Johor)

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Tao In Parent's Living Room

If there is a theme to describe the Dec 2016 holidays, it would be family time and bonding. Yes, throughout that holiday season, I restricted my time to pure family time.

So here I was, at my parent's living room with Baby Nephew. Brother just plonked his baby onto my lap, and so, I decided to give him a quick, impromptu craniosacral therapy session. Not an actual professional session of course, but good enough to get him nicely relaxed, comfortable and sleepy. Hahaha!

It was a special time for this therapist aunt, as baby and I bonded through pure presence and breathing belly to belly together. 

I shared these photos on my Facebook page and a few of my friends asked me how did I do that? What kind of work did I do to Baby Nephew such that he got so relaxed and comfortable? Did you massaged him? 

No, I did not massaged him. There's no massage in cranial work. Just very light, gentle touches, and hands that acts like ears; hands that listen to the bones, nerves, heart beat, breath beat and the flowing rivers within the human body. And just like a counselor that listens to a client's pain thus empowering her to change, so is a craniosacral therapist. We listen through our hands, bearing witness to our clients' sufferings, fully knowing that this will create tremendous change in our clients' health. And this is exactly what happens during a craniosacral session.

Anyway, here are photos of Aunt Therapist, Baby Nephew Client and Grandpa after the mini session.

Tao in my parent's living room.

Saturday, January 2, 2016


This is my last mandala for 2015, titled "Longings". It is also the first mandala that I drew which does not have a fixed top or bottom; meaning it can be viewed either with the red lotus at the bottom, or the blue one at the bottom.

" Longings" is about the longings and yearnings of the soul for union with the dualities of life; the longings and yearnings to be One; the longings and yearnings for true Home. All humans have these longings, whether we are conscious of it or not.

Yet, what's in the blue is always reaching out for the red, and what's in the red is always going for the blue. And such is this mysterious interplay of Life, against the backdrop of Sacred Emptiness.

This mandala is inspired by the work of Dr Clarissa Pinkola Estes, and Kyron, and the music of Robert Haig Coxon. Thank you teachers.

As we have just entered the portal into 2016, I would like to wish all readers a Happy New 2016. May our longings for Oneness and true Home be fulfilled!