Friday, October 6, 2017

Believe In Yourself

When I shared the image above in my Facebook timeline, a friend asked, "Did the Buddha said this?" I answered, "I don't know. It's not mentioned here."

But I do know who said something similar to me years ago. I was just starting out with my work, and had a lot of self doubts whether I could do it. I shared my doubts with a friend.

"Would my other friends believe in me?
Would they think I am crazy?
Would people put their trust in me that I can help them?
Can I actually do this as a living?
Will I make enough?
Etc, etc, etc."

My friend listened to me jabbering away, and then quietly said, "Even if the whole world do not believe in you, you must believe in yourself."

My dear friend put me right back on track, that day, many years ago. And, I am glad to say, I believe in myself enough to continue doing the work that I love.

So, if you're caught in the stream of self doubts thoughts, just remember the quote above. Or, this message from the mermaid:

Then, let go of those worries and struggles.

"Once you believe in yourself, put your mind and body in a peaceful place, then allow the Universe to work in a perfect way it knows how's
- Dr Wayne Dyer

Believe in Yourself. Trust. Allow.

And so it is.

(I do not know who are the artists for these two images. I happened to see them in my facebook timeline. I thank these two artists.)

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