Friday, December 15, 2017

What Do You Want in 2018?

As I write this, it is just two weeks before 2018 begins. I couldn't believe how fast 2017 sped by, just like that. I remembered that I began 2017 with writing down what I wanted to see happened, and I started with a major decluttering of my space. I wanted to start 2017 with removing what no longer worked for me; what no longer resonated with me; what no longer was me. In short, I began 2017 by removing what was not me, to start new beginnings. And it really is a year of many new beginnings for my whole family. At first, I was afraid of what we had to go through, but it all turned up well. We are ok.

So now, 2017 is coming to a close, and we are moving into 2018 soon. Again, it is time to set a new tone, and new intentions for a new year. What do you want to create in 2018? What do you want to see happen? To start a family? A new career? A new hobby? What is the theme of 2018 for you?

For me, the theme for 2018 is "I CAN". It will be a year where I will challenge my deep-seated and stubborn thought patterns of "I Can't" and turn it into "I Can". "I Can, I Can, I Can" is my new mantra for 2018. And to help support my "I Can" theme of 2018, I am going to take really good care of my health, and it starts with the gut. So, along with a new "I Can" mantra, gut health will be foremost on my mind in 2018.

Now, what about you? Name one thing you want in your life in 2018.

Yes, name it. Write it down in your journal. Take this last remaining two weeks of 2017 to ponder what you have achieved this year, and what you would like to continue on next year. Spend some time in solitude to do this. By doing so, you are declaring to yourself, and the Universe, your dreams, and your intentions for 2018. You are creating a pathway to what you want.

Here's an image that I saw in my fb timeline:

Yet, having said that, for some, the pathway to what they want seems hidden, or full of obstacles. They wonder what is the next best action to take. And for some, they wonder what is their path in life.

If you are one of those who feel this way, I invite you to book an appointment with me. I will do a reading, followed by an energy bodywork to clear and release old, limited memories lodged in the cells of your body. This brings much clarity and insight to what your path in 2018 is all about.

May 2018 be a year of joy, good health, happiness and peace. May 2018 be your year.


(I love the two images above, which I saw in my fb timeline. Am thanking the creators of these two images.)

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