Thursday, October 11, 2018

Disinfecting Viruses In Our Mind

Ho'oponopono. That's the first thought that appeared on my mind when I first saw this image. "Clean and disinfect these viruses with Ho'oponopono cleaning tools", I thought.

Right now, I am feeling confused. My mind is filled with doubts about my ability to get a project going. Can I do it? Do I have the skill to execute it? Meanwhile, I am envious of those who seem to ease themselves effortlessly into similar projects.

Confusion, doubts, envy - all these cloud my clarity. I have been infected by mental viruses. "Ok! These are not you. Only viral programs of the mind that need to be cleaned and deleted." - I tell myself.

I recite and meditate upon the Ho'oponopono prayers:
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
I love you.
Thank you.

Clean. Clean. Clean.
Disinfect. Disinfect. Disinfect.
Let go. Let go. Let go.

I notice the tightness in my abdomen. There are messages of anxiety there. My legs feel weak. The worry and anxiety have worked their way there. Clean. Clean. Clean.

Why is my heart in pain? Where did the sorrow comes from? And the resentment, masked as envy? Clean. Clean. Clean.

My head feels dizzy. I know. I am in a familiar terrain now. I feel the anxiousness in the nervous system. I see the confusion and doubts there. I feel immobilized. Clean. Clean. Clean.

Clean. Clean. Clean.
Disinfect. Disinfect. Disinfect.
Let go. Let go. Let go.

I free up my mind. I free up my body. I free up my heart. I am clear now. I move straight ahead towards my goal.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

(The image above is from my Facebook newsfeed. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!)

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