Monday, January 7, 2019

Walking As A Profession

I've just read a real-life story of a 62 years old pensioner whose work is walking. Yes, just walking. Every morning, Vincent wakes up early, walks from his home to town, greeting whomever he meets along his way. He'll spend his day in town, strolling down the streets, sometimes resting on a bus bench, observing traffic; sometimes sitting in a bakery, drinking coffee. Otherwise, he'll just walk.

So, how does Vincent contribute to his community?

"One thing I'm sure of, I'm not doing anyone any harm," he answered. He walks to celebrate and appreciate the existence of things - the clouds, the trees, the many things people pass by unnoticed.

Naturally, the town folks think he is crazy - a Harvard graduate wandering around the town like this. But Vincent just don't care. "Someone's got to do it!" he said. Who else to celebrate and acknowlege the existence of the things in town? Vincent is proud that he is that someone.

Vincent is a true professional - a professional walker. He lives a meaningful life by walking everyday, with no plans for retirement. Nor does he expects to be applauded and rewarded for this actions.

This extraordinary story taught me that one doesn't need to do great things or hold a prestigious job, in order to live a meaningful life. A simple act of walking, greeting, appreciating, and celebrating is living a meaningful life.

So, how is it for you? What is the story of your true profession? You know you've found it when you feel light, and not being dragged down by family, friends, and society's expectations.

You know you've found it when life is not all about you and you alone, but there's a community to care for.

You know you've found it when you're true to the callings of your heart and soul.

May we find the strength and courage to live a life of meaning and purpose.

(Vincent's story is found in "Your Mythic Journey", written by Sam Keen and Anne Valley-Fox. The image, and quote of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsbury, popped up in my Facebook timeline, and reminded me of Vincent's story.)

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