Monday, August 28, 2017

Insights from Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon and Our Ancestors

So much information has been written, and posted on the social medias, and internet on the 21 August 2017 Full Solar Eclipse. On the eve of the eclipse, I decided to do a Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon layout. I felt that this layout was perfect to gain insights on the significance of the eclipse. After all, it was an event where the Moon, the Sun and the Earth were aligned together, and the layout would brought out information from the Sun, the Moon and the Ancestors.

It was meant to be a personal reading for me, but Great Spirit whispered that I was to share the insights to whoever who happened to read this. What's in me, is also in the collective.

Grandfather Sun calls for Respect - to respect the sacredness of the eclipse! He calls upon us to respect each and everyone's sacred space. We all have our own sacred space: our own way of doing things; our belongings; our home; our beliefs; our personal boundaries. This is the time where we have to learn to honour and respect our own sacred space, as well as the sacred space of others. The challenge is to learn to wear our true colours, our Painted Face. We are so used to hiding ourselves; afraid to reveal the true self. We are afraid that if we are to do so, we'll lose our friends, our status, our money. Respecting our own sacred space, our inner boundaries and overcoming fears of revealing our true self, is needed right now. This is the message of Grandfather Sun.

Grandmother Moon calls for Joy. The solar eclipse is an Hour of Power! It was meant to bring blessings to humanity. What's also important is, Grandmother Moon says, is to find our own personal joy. What makes us joyful? To answer this question, we have to ask: Who am I? What makes me joyful? These are questions most people find difficult and challenging to answer. And it is connected to the challenge of the Painted Face given by Grandfather Sun. What is my Painted Face? Here, Grandmother Moon gives a hint: to find out what makes you joyful, connect with the Stone People - the stones, the rocks and the crystals. The Stone People holds a record of who you are on Mother Earth, and this would help you to find your joy. Tune in to a Stone Person and learn what she has to say. (You can also use this affirmation from Kyron: Within my Akash are the secrets to who I am. I pull upon my Akashic wisdom, which guides me in my everyday life and fills me with Divine Purpose). Finding out who we are, and what brings us joy, and getting that connection from the Stone People is the message from Grandmother Moon.

Finally, we have a gift from the Ancestors - the wise ones who have walked this Earth. They hand us a Talking Stick. They are saying, it is time to express our viewpoints, and at the same time to allow others to express their viewpoints and opinions as well. Right now, too many people are insisting that their way is the only way, and their viewpoints and opinions are the only truths, resulting in much chaos and conflict in the world. The Talking Stick given by the Ancestors is their way of saying, yes, it is time to speak your views and opinions but at the same time, respectfully allow others to speak theirs as well. By doing so, we can learn much from each other. This is a gift from our Ancestors during the solar eclipse.

Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon and the Ancestors have spoken. Thank you Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon and the Ancestors.

And so it is.

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